chelsea lately

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“Britney,” Carin knocked on my door, “We are here. Are you okay?”

I got off my bed and put my guitar back in its case. Then I walked over to the door and opened it. “Yeah,” I said, “I just finished writing a song. Um… Carin?”

“Yeah,” Carin said as she walked into my room, “what’s up, Brit?” 

“I was wondering,” I took a deep breath, “Can I make another small album?” I held my breath and waited for her reply. Carin thought for a few moments. I bit my lip. I would love to make a small album for them. Plus, my songbook is full of songs that they might not hear and I want them to hear as many as they can.

“Yes,” Carin said, “but it has to be only like five to nine songs.” I hugged her really hard.

“thanks, Carin,” I said, “I have to tell my fans!” I grabbed my phone and logged onto twitter. I had over 2,000 mentions. I scrolled through them. Some said stuff like “Jake is stupid, you are soooooo much better than Bella. Bella is a wanna-be you.”,  “Bella is a fame-whore and Jake just wants her for ‘fun down-under’”,  “How can Jake not see that you are an angel and Bella is a slut?”, and then my eyes landed on a mention from Justin. It said, 

“@justinbieber: @itsBritneycole13 hope you feel better. #musicspeakslouderthanwords.”

I smiled, retweeted it, and then I realized that Carin was still in my room. She stared at me until she finally said, “Let’s fix your make-up. You look like a wet raccoon.” I laughed and sat in my make-up chair while Carin fixed my make-up. When she was done, I grabbed my guitar case and songbook and went to the living room/lounge.

Justin was sitting on the couch, tweeting, I think. My band sat in a circle in the middle of the floor. My dancers were on another bus. We had another bus for my band, but we only took two because it was just to Chelsea Lately (pretend it was in Las Vegas and aired at one o’clock).

“Alright, guys,” I said coming up behind them, “let’s go.”  Stevie, Carin, and Scooter went ahead of us. I stepped out in front of my band with Justin and Kenny behind us. The other bus pulled up behind ours. Casey and the rest of my back-up dancers jumped out.

“We are all here,” Carin said, “Now let’s get inside before paparazzi knows we are here.” We all ran inside and I was greeted by Chelsea.

“Hey, Britney!” she said as she gave me a hug.

“Hey,” I smiled, “I’m excited to be here again for the… is it sixth time?”

“Haha,” Chelsea laughed, “I thought it was the seventh. Your dressing room is down the hall on the right, the third door to the left.”

“Thanks,” I said as Carin and I headed to my dressing room. My band’s and dancers’ rooms with on both sides of my dressing room. I unlocked the door with the key Chelsea gave me. I flipped the light switch and gasped as I saw my dressing room.

Against the back wall was a huge mirror and make-up table. The room was white. White carpets, white walls, white doors. The only things that weren’t white was the furniture. The furniture was purple. I smiled. Chelsea knew me well. I set my guitar case, purse, and songbook on a light purple couch. Carin plopped down on a fuzzy, purple bean bag.

“do your make-up.” she said pointing to the make-up table.

“I want to wait for Trish.” Trish is my make-up, hair, and clothes stylist.

There was a knock on my door. I opened it. Trish stood in the doorway. She smiled. I backed away from the door to let her in. She walked straight over to the make-up table and set up the make-up and hair supplies. She looked over her shoulder and patted the purple rolling chair. I walked over and sat down. First she started with my hair. She took my straight, brunette hair and added waves. The whole time, I was on twitter. I tweeted,

“@itsBritneycole13: I just wanted to say that the crowd was amazing last night! Id also like to thank my amazing band!=)”

“@itsBritneycole13: thanks for your support guys! I love you so much!<3 #ilovemyfans”

“@itsBritneycole13: I’m gonna be on Chelsea lately in an hour! Tune in to see me perform and talk about my life, tour, and other stuff!”

“@itsBritneycole13: oh and I’m gonna have a big announcement too.”

When Trish moved onto my make-up, I set my phone down on the table. Soon we only had a half an hour left until the show. My make-up was done. All we had to do was pick two outfits, the one I would talk to Chelsea in and the one I would perform in. I decided to wear a yellow strapless dress (the dress on the back of Taylor Swift’s Speak Now album) for talking and a silver sparkly one with black cowboy boots for performing.

I changed into the yellow dress and looked in the mirror. I looked great. I turned to Trish, “Thanks, Trish. You did a great job as always!” I smiled and hugged her. Carin stood up.

“ready to go, Brit?” she smiled.

“yep,” I walked to the door, “let’s go.” We walked down the hall. Justin, Stevie, Scooter, and Kenny were sitting on a white couch, all staring at their phone. I cleared my throat and they all looked up.

“dang, Britney,” Stevie said, “ you’re not walking a red carpet.” I stuck my tongue out at him. A member of the film crew ran up to me.

“You are up in ten.” he said and then ran off. 

Carin turned me to her. “You do realize that Chelsea is probably gonna ask about Jake, right?” she asked.

“yeah,” I smiled, “I know. Que sera.” Carin cocked her head to the side. “It means ‘that will’ in Spanish.” she nodded. Then Trish walked up.

“all the stuff for the performance is set out,” she said, “oh, and don’t forget not to mess with your hair too much. We want it to last the show or at least the performance.” She smiled. 

The member of the film crew came back, “four minutes. Go to the stage door. Oh, and here’s your little mic.” he handed me one of those tiny clip microphones and walked away.

I walked to the door. I heard Chelsea call me out. I took a deep breath and ran out on stage.

Thanks guys! Keep reading! Comment please!

Love ya,

~Bethanny <3:) 

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