The Ferret Ruins the Day

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I was inspired by Mimbulus_mimbletonia to write this chapter, so this is dedicated to her. Go read her awesome HP stories. they are amazing!!! So I am pumped to write this, so im gonna get going now........................

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*the next day*

I woke up this morning in a good mood. I don't know why. Oh yeah, I MADE OUT WITH LUNA LOVEGOOD!!!!! I couldn't wait to see her again.

I got out of bed, tugged on some jeans over my boxers (it was Saturday, there was no classes) I walked into the common room, earning some strange looks from some people. What were they all looking at? I shook it off and ran down the hall to the Ravenclaw common room. Then it struck me, I didn't know the password. Luckily, a student was walking out as I came upon the room. She took one look at me, and said,

"The password is Badger's Foot."

"Thanks." I replied.

I recited the password and was let in to the room. It was just about empty, seeing as it was around 7 in the morning, and a lot happened last night, so people should have been tired. I walked up the stairs to the girls' dorms. I got a weird stare from a girl walking out.

"You aren't supposed to be here." she said annoyingly.

"Whatever." I said. Truthfully, I didn't care where I was and was not supposed to be at this point. I just wanted to see my girl.

I opened the door, and looked around, they were all asleep. I walked past rooms with closed doors until finding one with large, black writing on the front in cursive. It read:




I entered cautiously, not wanting to scare them. When I poked my head in, two of the giant, four poster beds were vacant. Two of them must already be at breakfast. I decided to look at who was in the third bed, just in case. I saw blond hair coming out from the top of the comforter. Luna. I gently pulled the comforter down to around her shoulders. She looked to peaceful, so mild. Like a little lamb. I kissed her forehead and her eyes fluttered open. She blinked, adjusting to the light coming in through her window. Then she focused on me, looked at me for a moment, then yelped. I looked to her in confusion.

"Neville, where did your shirt go?" she asked. For a moment I was confused, but then I looked down at myself for the first time today, and I had no shirt on. Oh. So that's why I was getting weird looks.

I must say, I am definitely not the ugly, chubby kid from first year anymore. I exercise a lot, and it has paid off. I have a toned chest, and 6-pack abs that I am still working on. I am shooting for an 8-pack by the end of the year. I have built, but not gigantic biceps and forearms, and I have a nice tan too. That's always a good thing. Lol.

"I was so excited to see you, I must've forgotten to put one on." I answered, getting back to our conversation. She walked up to me and placed a light kiss right above my abs. I tensed up at the contact. Good god, she is going to be the death of me.

We walked out into the hallway, after conjuring me up a shirt by magic. I didn't even know there was a spell to make a shirt appear. We walked to the great hall hand in hand. About halfway there, Malfoy came up to us. (A.N. I know he leaves the night before, but in my story, he stayed.)

"Aww. Isn't this cute. Dork and lunatic, together at last."

"Go away Malfoy. What's wrong? Can't find a first year to blow up?"

"Ooh, touchy. What's wrong with you, Longbottom? Up all night talking to mum and dad?" okay that draws the line. Nobody messes with people I love. I pulled out my wand.

"Stupefy!" I shot at him.

He responded with "Petrificus totalis!"

But I never felt the blow. I opened my eyes to see Luna on the ground, not moving. The spell had hit her.

I ran to the hospital wing with her in my arms bridal style. I putvher on a bed and called Madame Pomfrey over.

"Malfoy petrified her. Fix her. Please, I'm begging you. This is my fault, and I can't stand to see her hurt."

She smiled at me and told me to wait where I was for a while, and she would be right back.

Well this definitely ruined my day.

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