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(A.N. Sorry it's short but hey, at least i uploaded! i just got inspired at random for this one.)

Luna's POV:

Everything was all foggy and I felt lost. I couldn't see anything. It was just like what you see when you try to look into a memory, at the very beginning, when everything is just a pool of black fog. I turned around a few times, and searched for any type of life or anything. Then, a tree started to materialize out of the blackness. I walked closer to it, and saw that behind it, two people were laying behind it, staring at the clouds. The woman was giggling pointing out shapes and the man was chuckling and holding the woman's hand.  They looked so peaceful and happy. The reverie got clearer and I realized that the woman was me. And the man was Neville.

"I love you." Imaginary me said to imaginary Neville.

"I love you more." Neville said.

We looked about 28, maybe 30 years old at this point.

"Where are they?" Dream Neville asked.

"Artemis! Fletcher!" Dream Me called out.

"Yes Mummy?" Two adorable kids came out of nowhere. The boy, who I assumed was Fletcher, had deep blue eyes, and white blond hair, like me. And the girl, Artemis, had brown hair and brown eyes. Artemis..... that was my mother's name. I felt myself tearing up at the memory of her. The scene changed. I was now in the doorway of my mother's laboratory. She smiled at me, then mixed two chemicals together, that created a green flash of light. I called her name, but she wouldn't answer. Tears came up in my eyes, and I called Daddy in to the room.

"Daddy! Whats wrong with Mummy??? Daddy, she isn't moving. What happened??" I was crying hysterically by this point. Daddy looked up at me with sad eyes.

"She's gone Bumblebee." He used my nickname, trying to make me feel better. It didn't work. I passed out right then and there.

I shot up from my bed in a cold sweat. My breathing was heavy and I was crying. I focused my eyes, and I was in the hospital wing. I looked to my left and Neville was asleep in the bed next to mine, holding my hand. I smiled and got up from my position in bed and tiptoed over to his sleeping form. My body really hurt, I wonder what happened. I slipped into Nev's bed with him. He wrapped his arms around me and smiled in his sleep. I kissed his cheek and closed my eyes again.

19 Years: Neville and Luna's Story *ON HOLD SORRY*Where stories live. Discover now