Drivers Ed

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So I've been taking a drivers ed class in a near by town...

And everything would be better if I went to the class in the state I go to school in not the state I live in

So I live in one state (state a) but go to school in a different state (state b) because I live like 3 miles from the state line and for state a they would have me leave my house at like 6am for school and then I would have to get on another van to get to the half of the school I would be going to and state b was the easier choice for getting to school and was only 11 miles compared to the maybe 25(?) miles to state a school

And everyone freaking ignores me and acts like I'm not there and the only real conversation I've had with some other person in that class lasted maybe not even 5 minutes and it's been over a week since that happened and no ones talked to me since

So that's just loads of fun for my anxiety:D

And today I was driving and the freaking teacher has his little brake on his side and I am coming to A sTop almost done stopping AND HE FrICkEN sLaMs HIs STUPid BRAke and it's just like "really I'm not that bad"

And also today a fire truck with its lights and sirens flashing pulls up behind me and my teacher is like yanking on the wheel and I was doing what he was telling me to and it's just I hate that class

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