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Ok I just wanna say this cause it pissed me off you can skip this if you want

So I posted this on ifunny right

So I posted this on ifunny right

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Harmless right?^^


this account on ifunny accused me of being an "Islamophobe" because I support gay rights

what the fuck

Yes I understand you may not completely agree with it but you don't need to fucking call a "Islamophobe" you twat

I understand your religion may not agree I understand your beliefs but you don't need to yell at me for being an "Islamophobe"

All my post was supposed to do was be funny and be about not having to be gay to support gay rights but no

But hey what do I know right

But hey what do I know right

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Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.
RANDOMNESSSS 3Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt