Road of MisFOURtune

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Ever since she was a child Moa is really prone to accidents. During her first grade, a book fell over her head when an earthquake struck the city. Her hand was also caught by an elevator's door when she was on her fifth grade. On her second day of school in Sakura High, she got into a bicycle accident with Suzuka which caused a wound in her right hand and recently she was almost pushed out of the train when she was commuting with Suzuka and Yui to the city's downtown. She blames all these misfortunes with the number four, an unlucky and cursed number in Japanese culture. Four sounds like the Japanese word for death that's why it is associated with bad luck. And because she is born at the fourth of July, she believes that this is the reason why the curse of four won't leave her.

Moa is a diligent student and she had been a consistent honor student since she was in kindergarten. It can be attributed by her curiosity about everything and her ability to study efficiently. She is also good in memorizing things though sometimes she could be clumsy in the things she memorized. There was even a time when she memorized the wrong poem that her teacher wants her to memorize when she was still in elementary. But in spite of these things, she remains to be a teacher favorite because of her academic performance.

It was already late at night and Moa was still studying and reviewing her notes for the upcoming periodic test the next day. Her phone rang which disrupted her concentration.

"Moshi-moshi?" She answered the phone without checking who called her.

"Moa-chan, Can I ask you something about your scrapbook project?" Moa knew it was Yui who called her. "What color do you like for your scrapbook cover boarder?"

"Ehh? It's up to you Yui-chan as long as it looks good!"

"Really? How about pink?"

"Sure! Design it as you wish, as long as it looks good and kawaii like me, something that describes Super Moa-chan."

"Hehehe...ok bye, Super MOArio-chan" Yui teased then turned off the line before Moa could say any hate words.

Even though she used to treat Yui as her rival towards Suzuka's attention but Moa is starting to like Yui because of her sweet personality. She might be serious most of the time and least likely to talk but she can be jolly and playful sometimes, a feature which really interests Moa. Sometimes Moa is jealous about Yui's beauty. Her naturally thick eyelashes and pinkish lips emphasizes how cute she is especially when she's on deep thought and her wavy hair and straight bangs compliments with her youthful face. Though she remembered Yui complimented her for being cute because of her dimple, Moa still believes Yui is cuter than her. Aside from this, she also thought that Yui is luckier. Yui is less likely to be caught in any accidents and she always gets iced cold drinks in vending machine unlike Moa.

"Geez... That girl is really annoyingly cute." Moa sighed. "I wish I can be as lucky as her."

She then focused herself to her study until her eyes became heavy. The next thing that she could remember was that she was so indulged in reading her notes and she blinked then someone poked her. Her blink brought her to a deep sleep and when morning came her mother waked her up.

"Moa dear... why did you sleep while studying. You will be late at school with that!" Her mother said.

"Late? What time is it mama?" She yawns and stretched her arms.

"It is pass seven thirty. Your class is at eight o'clock right?"

Moa realized that she needs to go to her school early because they will be having their periodical test that day so she rushed to the bathroom to take a shower and prepared herself for school. There's only one thing that's on her mind at that time, she must not be late. As she entered the school gate, she met the PE teacher who reprimanded her and her friends before for being late.

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