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<<Jungkook-ah POV>>

I let out a quivered sigh when I heard those deep sexy words that came out his mouth "Your Mine" I really didn't know what to do at the moment but look at him and look away continuously I didn't know what to say but "Taehyung-ah" his name came out my mouth in a hush voice, my face and body got warm I could feel the warmth of his face too as he came even closer to me.


Hearing him say my name twice was the last straw. I inched my way closer to him aiming for his ear, once I was close enough to where my lips barely touched his ear, I gave one cat lick on the outer shell of his ear, before swirling my tongue up and down his outer ear before sucking on it and nibbling it, I heard him gasp and let out a lustful hum almost a moan. I smiled "you want it so bad right now don't you?" I cooed in his ear.

My knees slightly buckled tediously when I felt his warm mouth and tongue on my lobe, I couldn't help but let out a small noise which I regretted hearing his seductive words in my ear, I whined in response "Taehyung were outside" I pressed my hand up against his chest 'omo he has a really hard chest' images popped up in my mind on how his body would look. 'You such a Byuntae' I told myself.

<<Taehyung POV>>
I ignored his protest of us being outside and continued small kisses down his neck and leaving light red marks on his milky collar bone "that's Daddy to you" I seethed through my kisses. I slid my hand that pinned his shoulder on the wall down to his waist, then to tiny bottom giving it a good feel before sliding my hand down his leg picking it up and holding it close to my hip. I let out a low groan when he wiggled around on my crotch to get more comfortable with the new position he was in.

<<Jungkook POV>>
I was taken aback when he raised my leg but I quickly wrapped it around his waist and adjusted my self on the wall to get more comfortable which seemed to of went well when "Daddy" groaned, he trailed his kisses back up my neck, before parting with it and facing me, he looked in my eyes then down at my lips, and back at my eyes he tilted his head sideways moving his lips closer to mine to where they were barely touching. I could feel his soft bottom lip brush against mine but all this Passion and Lust came to an end.

A noise that came from the direction of the school the sound of someone clearing there throat, Taehyung backed his face away from mine and we both looked to see what it was or who it's was. And to our surprise there was Jimin and his gang along with Hoseok and Yoongi with there heads a little low staring at us giggling, Jimin stepped up from the crowd "So this what you've guys been doing till school was over huh?" He gave a smug look while the other laughed.
I looked down embarrassed and held my hands over my face, while Jimin let my leg go and faced them "Aish" he let out ruffling his hair and shaking his head "why do you guys always come at the wrong timing" he questioned putting his hands in his pockets, I gave off a shy smile, before pushing his shoulder to make him shutup. "WHOOA DAEBAK" Jhope said "your really, really a Byuntae" Taehyung got a little embarrassed "aiiiyy hyung!" He replied shyly making the older's laugh.

"yah why are you guys here anyways!"
I raised my voice, Yoongi came up to me and hit me on the side of my head "Ah!" I rubbed the side of my head "Did you know school is over you Pabo" I chuckled "oh really" he smacked me once again "yah that hurts ya know" I said sort of pouting and rubbing my head, Yoongi walked back to the others and the others started walking up the hilled road "we're all going to hang out today come with us" I nodded and looked at Jungkook "you up for some fun?" But before he could answer He was interrupted by Hoseok "didn't you guys just have fun?" They started laughing again. Jungkook giggled to and walked beside me, "Just wait a little more my princess" I whispered in his ear which made him blush and surprisingly he nodded with a shy smile looking down. I smirked and look ahead "yep, what a FANTAESYY this is" I said so only
myself could hear it and I smiled.

A/n BAEPSAAE BAEPSAEEE < the song (()) is stuck in my head but anyways Couldn't help but update this in the same day I was too excited to write it and couldn't wait so this my last update today ENJOOY ❤️✨

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