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A/n I'm doing hearts now got a new samsung and it won't let me do smiley faces kinda gay e_e

Me and Taehyung probably did it over 2 Times yesterday I mean i couldn't help my self he was just so good. I spend the night afterwards we didn't do much but go to sleep from loss of energy. The alarm on my phone rang and I jolted up. I looked beside to see shirtless tae and I looked at myself. Naked jungkook. I face palmed myself before giggling and getting dressed in my school uniform I brushed my teeth with Taehyung toothbrush and washed my face. I fixed my hair but something was missing, I went out the bathroom and grab my backpack. I dug through it a round my flower crown "I'm gonna look so cute today!" I out put on my crown and walked out the bathroom finishing up.

I walked over to Taehyung and sat on him. His body in between my legs and pressed my hands down on his chest "Oppa wake up" I looked down at him and he groaned "OPPPAAAA WAAKE UPP!!" I yelled in a high pitched voice. He jumped up from his sleep and made me fall off the bed "yah that hurt" I rubbed my butt after getting up. "Oh sorry" he scratched his head and yawned "Get ready it's time for school, you already know were going to be in trouble for not going yesterday" he nodded with sleepy eyes and for up, I skipped out the room and sat in the kitchen drinking milk. It wasn't too long till Taehyung came out and sat in front of me "aww my little kitten thirsty?" He wiped the milk mustache off my top lip with his thumb and licked his thumb afterward. I giggled "Oppa hurry up ur carrying me to school it hurts when I walk because of a certain someone" I stood up and put my arms up he picked me up and put me on his back "well a certain someone kept asking for more soo.." he chuckled and i blushed
Slightly hitting "yah just take me to school" and we were off. He carried me all the way to the school doors before trying to put down "anieyaaah" I whined he huffed and carried me to the detention room. I opened the door for him and he walked in "wow taehyung you look like a horse" everyone snickered and chuckled I smiled "no he's my slave" I went close to his ear "right?" I whispered seductively and but his ear. He dropped me instantly and walked to his desk I hit ground with a oomph "owie" I stood up and rubbed my butt. I sat next to tae "oppa" he looked at me and looked away "oppaa" I whined cutely he didn't budge. I went over and sat in his lap straddling him "oppa your not mad right" he grunted and pushed me off "fine" I sat in a different seat and scrolled through my phone. Until the detention door opened I gasped 'Someone new!' I waited to who would enter..."JIN" I ran over and gave him a hug nearly kncoking him over "whoa jungkook" i let go of him
"Sorry" i giggled before punching his arm "Yah! Why are you in here you bad kid" he chuckled "i hit some kid" he rubbed the back of his neck. I grabbed onto his arm "daebak your so cool!" He chuckled again. I heard taehyung clear his throat and make his way towards us. He pulled my arm making me let go of jin. "Your a bad kid for touching another guy" taehyung pushed my forhead back with his pointer finger. I crossed my arms then slyly smiled "your jealous huh?" I cooed he stood up and becane erractic "i never get jealous" Jin then wrapped his arms around me like a back hug "good then you dont mind me taking my little kookie for a little bit?" He looked down at me with a warm smile i giggled. "Yah yah yaaaah!! Where are your hands right now?!" I was startled by taehyungs scream "you better not touch him or there are going to be some serious problems!" Jin scoffed and got in taehyungs face "and?"

A/n at first i didnt know where my story was going but now im kinda gathering things and getting ideas

Comment any ideas plZ ❤

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