Chapter 6

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Warning: there is a lot of apology in this chapter but not about what everyone's expecting for and yea changing of P.O.V too. Unedited so if there is any spelling errors ignore them. I'm constantly switching the speech from past to present please ignore that too.

Thank you all for your votes and comments, enjoy reading.

Chapter 6

Ryouma's P.O.V

Early morning I'm having my 3rd cup of coffee in my office because of this constant headache from the previous night. And my best friend's nagging is just adding to my headache.

As he was giving me lecture on how I shouldn't have drank so much suddenly the door burst open and enters the most unexpected person Rina, my wife's best friend whom I met yesterday on our wedding reception.

Before I could even ask her something, She threw a punch on my face...Hard, a very hard punch... Oww...

"What the he-"

"What the hell do you think of yourself? You monster!!" She cut me off.

"Huh?" She's the one who punched me.

"Oh don't you play innocent at all, at least not after what you've done with your wife!" She shouted.

"Okay young lady would you mind telling us what he did? because we don't have a clue of what you're talking about?" Rihito asked but seriously I don't have any idea what she's talking about.

"Why not ask this jerk himself, he's your best friend isn't he?" She tried to punch me again but Rihito grabbed her from behind.

"Let me go!! I'm going to kill him!!" She struggled, actually trying to kill me.

"Okay Mr. Jerk I mean Ryouma before she actually kills you just tell us what the hell is she going on about? and yes hurry up, I don't think I can hold her back any longer." said Rihito still trying to stop her.

"Like the hell I know what she's talking about!" I told him because seriously I don't know. and on top of it this headache. I hold my head.

"Wow! You're actually a monster who leaves his wife road in the middle of the night in the middle of some unknown road and doesn't even know what am I talking about? You jerk!"

"Wait, he did what?" Rihito looked at me.

" Ryouma? Seriously?"

I sit and try to recall the night's incident. Oh Shit.

Rihito was right I shouldn't have gotten drunk.

"Where is she?" Rihito asked her.

"Why the hell do you even want to know?" She shouted.

Rihito: Please.

"Well your friend will be very sad to know as his plan failed because she's in my house, alive and safe." She glared at me.

"Great then Ryouma will come and he'll apologize properly" he glared at me.

"and take her back home" he added.

"Sure he can do all the begging for forgiveness act and all but she's not going back to him, and of course I wouldn't let her go back to this monster either that's what I came here to tell this monster." saying this she stormed out.

After an hour

Rihito's P.O.V

We're sitting in the car in front of Rina's house for past 1 hour.

We came here for... hmm actually to put it in a simple way since this idiot was irritating me about what he should do about his stupid act I brought him here to make peace with his wife. I personally had to come with him because this guy is such a mess that he would end up fighting with her instead of apologizing or he would have just returned back without even entering the house and would have continued irritating me. Well this guy, my best friend Ryouma Carlton is not very good with words but is actually quite a nice guy. He just doesn't know how to express himself that makes him a bit... ok not just a bit but very complicated. When we first met for me, an easy going guy, normally it took a day or two to understand and be friends with people but with this guy, it took me 6 months to actually make him utter a word, another 6 months trying to figure out how this guy's brain functions and another 6 months to get used to tolerating him. And now for the past 1 hour he has been returning from the door and for the 10th time without even touching the bell and another 10 times without even reaching the door and I'm getting damn irritated here!

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