Chapter 17

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Rihito's P.O.V

Teresa you better be safe or else this guy's going to murder every human being on this planet!

I sit in the passenger seat and pray to god that we safely reach the bakery. I knew I shouldn't have let him drive but I couldn't decide which was more dangerous him driving the car or him sitting on the passenger seat doing nothing but wait to get there. But right now all i can do is pray to reach safe and sound in a single piece.

As soon as we reach the bakery, we see the cops. Rina comes running and hugs me crying.

"Hey calm down 'kay? We'll find her, what exactly happened?" I pat her back and ask her. This is the second time I've seen her so vulnerable.

"Teresa.. she..." Rina says in between her cries.

"What happened?" Roars the demon besides me.

He literally looks like a demon from hell!

"Ryouma! Let me talk."

I make her sit.

"Calm down and tell us what happened?" I cup her face.

"She got kidnapped." She cries.

"What?" We say in unison.

"We saw the CCTV footage because as a child was reported missing. But..." She trails off.

We go to check the footage and see Teresa being kidnapped with a small girl.

"That brat!" I hear Ryouma mutter, He turns around and catches a senior officer by his collar.

"I want my wife back within 24 hrs or consider yourself dead." He threatens the officer.

"Oh oh! The kidnappers are going to burn in the fire of hell!" I click the tongue pitying those kidnappers unaware of their cruel fate.

Teresa's P.O.V

"W-where am i?"

"Why is here so dark?"

I try to stand up but my hands and feet are tied up. As I try to adjust my eyes to the surrounding, I hear someone cry.


Rina isn't here yet, may be i should go to Ai-chan?

I walk down the road.

"This is my first time coming alone. I do know the way, right?" I stop for a minute.

"Of course i know it. I'm not even that stupid." I mutter as I continue to walk.

After walking for 5 minutes.

"It should be somewhere around here." I look around.

Did i actually forget it?

No. I cant be this stupid i mean it's just a straight way with one turn. The turning point must be somewhere around here.

"Found it. I knew i wasn't that stupid!" I pat my shoulder proudly.

"Ah! There it is! Ai-chan's bakery!" I cheer as I spot the shop.

I walk towards the bakery.

"Huh? What's going on over there?" I see two guys trying to put a little girl on the van forcefully.

"Hey!" I shout at them and run towards the van.

I try to pull the girl back to me. But instead we both are pushed into the van.

Flashback ends.

I've got to pull myself together. I can't let my fear take over me. This little girl must be terrified more than me.

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