Chapter 52

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"Hey, which one do you prefer? this? or this?" I ask my husband showing him the recepies which I took from the internet for tomorrow's breakfast.

"Teresa, do not irritate me." He sighs working on his laptop.

Seriously, how much work does he have? Whenever I see him he's always with his laptop, working. Even I work in his office but I still don't know from where he gets this much of work?

"Ah you're really someone else outside; they should actually know you're this kind of guy! Mean and rude!!" I roll my eyes.

"What do you mean?" He asks, his eyes not leaving the computer screen.

"You were so sweet to them, those girls and you act like this with me. What did you say? Aww sure, sure I'll do it for you of course!" I mock him. "whatever!" I roll my eyes again.

"Are you jealous wife?" Finally he looks at me. "Why would I?" I shrug.

"They were clients and I didn't even say like that." He defends.

"Yeah, yeah whatever!"

"Now do not irritate me, I'm busy!"

"Wah! You're really something huh? If I even say hi to Ren you act like I committed some kind of sin and look at you, unbelievable!" I huff.

"Didn't you say you weren't jealous?"

"Do I have to say it? Can't you see me sulking?" I pout crossing my arms.

"Okay my dear wife, stop sulking. Okay tell me I'm listening. What were you showing me? I'll look at it properly. Happy?" He rolls his eyes.

"That was so fake. Forget it! I lost the excitement!" I keep the papers aside.

"Seriously what do you want me to do? When I'm telling you I'll listen to whatever you have to say you're not interested anymore? Do you even realize I am keeping my work aside for you?" He snaps at me.

"I never said so, do your work! Sometimes I think why didn't you get married to work instead?" I sigh.

"Are you picking a fight now?" He glares at me.

"I'm not! I genuinely think that once in a while. Like literally! I know what your work means to you and I was genuine when I told you to continue your work. And you think I'm trying to pick a fight?" I glare back.

"I was trying to concentrate but you were disturbing me."

"So you could have just said that I was disturbing you, I would have kept quiet but no I was irritating you, right? I am not exactly saying that you need to put me above work but I'm just asking for your little time that is mine and mine alone! In fact if you want I'll help you with your work too. Forget it! Good night!" I pull over the blanket facing away from him.

"I'm really sorry. Now what was it you were talking about?" He moves over and puts his arm around me and pulls me to his chest.

"Nothing important. Complete what you were doing." I murmur.

"It can wait." He nudges.

"You're sure?" I get up.

"Yes wife." He says pulling me into his arms and kissing my hair. "now was it this?" He looks through the recipes. "Yes, it's good too. But why are we looking at this?" He asks me raising his eyebrows.

Ryouma's P.O.V

"You didn't hear me at all? I should've known, you don't see anyone or hear anything when you're with your laptop. God, now I'm even jealous of your laptop." She huffs.

"I'm flattered." I grin.

"Of course you are. Anyway I was asking you, what should I prepare for tomorrow's breakfast?" She asks pointing at the recipes.

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