Chapter 3

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For the rest of the day Willow stayed in her classes. She had her earbuds in the whole time not even listening to the teachers or people around her. Willow just didn't want to be at school. She didn't like the atmosphere and she just wanted to relax. It seemed like everyone was judging her wether it be the way she dressed or how she spoke.

The clock finally turned 4:00 and school was out. Once the bell sounded Willow headed to the parking lot to drive home, but then realized her mom took her keys away. So she headed to wait by the band hall for the bus. Most of the time when she rode the bus it was always one of the first ones there, and allowed her not to wait in the Texas heat. Something felt off today and for some reason the bus wasn't there when she got there, so she sat on the ground and waited for the bus. As she was watching all the kids around her she couldn't help but feel left out.

Willow finally got sick of watching all the kids when the bus finally pulled up. She got on and about thirty minutes later she was off the bus, and walking up her drive way to go home. Willow didn't always like being home because she felt more stressed then relaxed. Once she walked through the front door she made her way to her room. When she walked through the door to her room she shut the door behind her, set her stuff down, and let herself fall on the bed. She looked at the ceiling and sighed. Willow wished there was more to life then just school and being stuck at home. She craved adventure and traveling to different places, and to not be trapped at home. Willow just tossed herself around a little bit and let her mind wander. The beat from the song "No Role Modelz" by J. Cole just allowed her mind to ease up. When she turned her music up she couldn't help but feel lost in the beat. As she felt her body relax she let her mind wonder and ended up being somewhere completely different.

Willow found herself in the outdoors. She sat herself up from laying down and looked around. The scenery was lush green grass with mountains in the Far East. The sky was blue and clouds seemed to dance across the skyline. There was a variety of trees and they were scattered all over. Willow debated on wether to look around or just go back to laying down and enjoying watching the clouds in the sky. The birds chirped as if they were greeting her and that made her smile.

Willow looked to her side and saw a backpack. She just put it on her lap and began to look inside. She found a canteen full of water, some crackers, a flashlight, some mountain climbing gear, and a Swiss Army knife. Willow just nodded her head, put everything inside, and then stood her self up to explore. As Willow got deeper and deeper in the forest she couldn't help, but wish Alex was that with her. She usually was happy with just her as her companion, but it would be nice if she had a friend. 

"WILLOW!" she heard as she walked through the trees.  Willow did not know whether to keep walking or to stop and find out who was calling her. She just felt her feet keep moving underneath her and did not eve try to stop them. "Willow!!" she heard it again and this time she stopped walking all together. When she looked up in the sky all she say was a big patch of grey sky. She could not figure out what it was, all she did was study it. The patch moved back and forth. Willow looked around the whole scenery when suddenly she felt out of breath. She put her hands on her neck feeling it. There was nothing on it to stop the air flow. All Willow could do was fall onto the ground while it felt like her lungs were caving in. She shut her eyes and when she opened them she was in her room and her mom was there. 

"Why are you sleeping? You just got home from school. Go do your chores." Nancy (Willow's mom) told her as she started going through her back pack. 

"Ok. I'll get right on it." Willow said as she got up off her bed and walked to the garage to get cleaning supplies. "I wish I had someone to do this for me" Willow said as she got a rag out of a cabinet. She just dazed up and imagined a person who looked like her cleaning the house. When she finally stopped day dreaming she saw someone in the garage with her, but she did not know who it was. 

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