Ch. 12

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*casey pov*
I made up my mind and chased after sorina. "NIGHT! Wait up!" I shouted following her into the sewer. She wasn't stopping though. "Why are girls so difficult." I muttered before releasing my roller skates and speeding up and catching sorina by the arm. "Sorina listen to me." I said as she tugged her arm out of my grip. "Yes?" She asked hazel eyes lit as we were outside the lair. "I haven't known you long but I feel something for you. And well I want you to be my girl." I said starting to quiet so her brothers wouldn't hear me. "Girl?" She asked completely innocent. "Girlfriend." I clarified. "Casey I would.." "What's going on out here?" Donnie asked drawing out Raph and Mikey as well. "Casey there had better be a good reason why she has a hand print fading on her cheek." Raph said gruffly. "What the shell happened?" Leo said finally emerging. I glanced at sorina and she seemed upset. "One of my team mates was making a play for her and tried to take her when she resisted he hit her. I got him good until Night told me to stop." I said resigned to my fate. "And where were you to stop him in the first place?" Raph asked. "Coach held me back to talk strategy. I had to. She was with April and we're going to wait for me. But April left her to find me leaving like a two minute gap she was alone." I said. "Leave April out of this Casey she was under your protection. You gave us your word she would be unharmed." Donnie snapped. I caught sight of April hiding behind him. "I think it's time for you to go Casey." Leo said pointing out of the lair.

*sorina pov*
Leo was once again trying to boss people around. But making Casey leave I couldn't even fathom. I was so happy when Casey asked me to be his girlfriend. But of course my brothers spoil it. "No." I said suddenly. Everyone looks at me. "You have no right to send him away as it was not his fault. He made sure April was with me the whole time she's the one who left me alone and I don't see you turning on her. He saved me. AGAIN I might add." I snapped. "She's right you know." I heard April pipe up. "Now to answer your question Casey that my brothers rudely interrupted. Yes." I said with a smile. "YES!" Casey exclaimed happily picking me up and twirling me around. "Yes to what?" Mikey asked. "To be my girlfriend." Casey said. I glanced at my brothers as they were silent. Leo looked like he was going to explode, Donnie looked confused but happy, Raph looked impressed and ready to stand for my decision. Mikey was jumping for joy but then Mikey was another who wanted me to be happy. "Before you start on them. I approve of Casey. But be warned Casey jones. You harm my daughter not only my sons but myself will be after you. And there will be no place for you to hide." Dad said suddenly from behind us. Dads statement effectively quieted any complaints and my brothers disbanded. "That was interesting." Casey said making me laugh. "This family always is. I'm getting a bit tired so I will see you tomorrow?" I said. "Sure thing. Good night." Casey said hugging me and placing a light kiss on my forehead before skating off. I practically skipped to bed where I curled up realizing I still had caseys jacket. I just snuggled with it. Smiling happily.

•authors note•
Not as smooth as I was going for but it does work. Hope you guys like it. Thanks to lunarblue003 for giving me a spring board idea.

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