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*sorina pov*
When I woke up I was in an unfamiliar place. So many windows around me and before me was a huge throne like chair. "So you are the girl sources have reported to me. Who are you friend of the turtles?" Asked a man who looked like a giant can opener. "I am who I am, I am who I was and I am who I will always be" I answered skillfully thanking my favorite show for that line. "Insolent brat. Fine don't tell me your name it is of no importance to me. Rather I want to know where are the turtles!" The man said. "And that I shall not tell. It is a matter of honor." I said slowly standing. My ears picked up someone on the roof but I didn't dare glance up. "Fine razar fish face deal with her. Make her talk." He said before a deamon dog and a fish on robot legs came out of the shadows with lots of foot soldiers. Just as my brothers and Casey jumped down. "Forget the girl get the turtles!" He shouted. I was getting a bad feeling as the girl karai came over and placed a katana at my throat. "Make a move to help and your dead." She whispered into my ear. I was forced to watch as my brothers and beloved boyfriend fight. I lost track of Leo in the battle and suddenly karai was gone. "Run!" Leo shouted as he fought her I went to but my ears picked up a sound I never wanted to hear again. A sickening crack and caseys scream. I whipped around and saw his arm held at an odd angle by fish face. I was furious my body started shaking I heard another snap and suddenly another voice was there in my head. "Must help mate." The voice rumbled softly. "Yes" I thought back. And for the first time outside of a full moon I transformed. Everything stopped as I fell onto four paws. My tail swishing in agitation. I growled lowly as I stalked my prey my mind handed over to the panther side of me. "Release him fish." I growled my ears caught the sounds of fighting again. "Come get him kitty cat." The fish taunted me.I snarled and attacked my claws still honed sharp and needle thin from the last full moon. I raked them down the fish tearing his skin. The creature screamed and dropped Casey who hit his head hard as I removed my claws. "Stupid cat." It growled as it tried to attack. It managed to get a hit in which hurt. I lashed out again and before her could regroup I grabbed Casey and put him on my back and carefully jumped out of the building. To the roof and raced off. I felt the mindset of the beast giving me controls of my panther body letting me do as I pleased its goals satisfied in saving the one it dubbed its mate. I ran home and carefully laid him on my bed and curled up beside him waiting for my brothers to come back to help him.

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