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*casey pov*
I was having a great day, sorina and I had plans tonight which included her meeting my dad before a movie. I was a bit nervous but I could handle it. I was leaving school running a little late as I was supposed to meet sorina at the rink right after school but my last teacher held everyone back. I was skating as fast as I could I didn't want to stand her  up. "Casey! Casey wait up!" I heard April shout behind me. I sighed and skidded to a stop I was so close to the rink too! "What April? I'm supposed to meet sor.." I said but was cut off with lips meeting mine. I instantly struggled back. I heard a gasp and knew with every fiber of my being it was sorina. "What in the world April! You know I'm with sorina! And I know she saw that and is thinking the wrong thing right now. If I loose her because of this.." I ground out before chasing after sorina. "Sorina wait please!" I shouted skating as fast as I could after her. Her sobs echoed in the sewer. "Sorina!" I shouted again but she had made it to the lair and into her room. I skidded to a halt outside her door. I could feel her brothers behind me but I ignored them. "Sorina please let me explain." I pleaded. "Go away. I hate you Casey." She shouted though the door. I crumbled to the floor. This could not be happening. I felt one of the turtles pick me up by the back of my shirt and drag me away from the door and into the dojo. "You better have a good reason or I'm beating you to a pulp." Raph said standing in front of me while Leo stood by the door. Mikey was the one holding me by the scruff of my shirt. "It wasn't me! I was running late after school cuz my teacher held the whole class after. I was almost to the rink when I heard April call my name. I stopped not knowing what she wanted but suddenly she just kissed me. And sorina saw. I pushed April off immediately and now I'm sure I've lost sorina." I said feeling tears welling in my eyes. "April did this your sure?" Donnie said pleading with his eyes that I was wrong. "If he's that upset he has to be telling the truth Donnie." Mikey said letting me go. "Leo think you can catch splinter before he gets to sis? I will talk to her." Raph said Walking away from me. "I'll stay with Casey." Donnie said.

*sorina pov*
I had waited past the meet time and figured Casey had gotten held up at school. Seeing him kiss April broke me. I was still sobbing laying on my bed. "Sora it's Raph can I come in?" Raph asked knocking on my door. "Yea." I said my throat raw. When I saw him I ran and hugged him. "Calm down now tell me your side." Raph said. "I was starting to walk towards the school to find Casey but found him kissing April. I left after and came here. How could he do that Raph?" I asked as new tears threatened to fall. "If he was forced to." Raph answered. I looked up "what do you mean?" I asked. "April forced the kiss on him knowing you were waiting and might see. He's on the verge of a break down himself. And be fore you ask that's the reason I know he's telling the truth. Casey never once has cried in front of us. Not even when he was in so much pain from dislocating his arm. He screamed yes but some still get a tear out from the pain. Not him." Raph said explaining. "Oh." I said sniffing. "Now do you want to see him? He's in the dojo waiting for the verdict. Your lucky Leo managed to catch dad before he saw you." Raph said. I nodded and exited the room I saw April with dad and Leonardo in dads room probably chewing her out I hoped. I walked into the dojo to find Casey kneeling in the middle of the dojo with his head down. I walked silently over before catching a sob and wrapping my arms around him. "Night!" He said pulling me around and butting his face into my neck. "It's alright I forgive you." I whispered. "Night I would never ever do that willingly. I-I love you." He said looking me straight in the eye. "I love you too Casey." I said. Suddenly his lips were on mine and I melted in his grip. "Alright enough pda you too. Don't you have a movie to get to." Donnie said with a chuckle. We stood and headed on our way. Then I remembered something. "Do I still have to meet your dad tonight?"

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