5 Tips while Waiting

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Dearest Single ladies,
No matter how we deny it, we can't help but get curious on who are we going to end up with. It may take a long time to figure that out, but don't worry much about it, because that moment will come. For the time being, let me share to you some tips on how are we going to make ourselves feel better as we wait for our special someone.

1. Dress up!
But... not to impress other people, not to compete with other girls, and definitely not to get guys' attention. Wear something that shows your character, something that shows the real you. You'll be more appreciated if you're confident to show your individuality. And of course, make sure that whatever you wear pleases God.

2. Make friends.
Yes, be FRIEND-ly! Make sure that your intentions are clear which is to really make friends with someone. If a guy wants to be friends with you, then go for it. It's good to have guy friends, but don't forget your limitations. If he wants to be more than friends with you and you're not interested, it's better to avoid him, and not to give him false hope. 'Cause playing with feelings is not something that we should be proud of. It's always better to stick with friends that God has given, because there, you'll find security.

3. Pay attention.
Not on what a guy wants, not on what the trend says, and not on the hottest gossip in town. Be attentive to those that could help you grow as a strong lady. It's advisable to talk to matured people because they understand life better and they know which things really matter. And definitely, paying attention to what God says is always the best thing to do.

4. Have fun!
Do things that you rarely do, such as helping less fortunate people. There's real joy in serving others, as long as you do it to make them happy and not for publicity's sake or to impress your crush... (oh common!) Go to places you've never been and appreciate God's creation. Wherever you go or whatever you do, make sure to be the light that God wants you to be.

5. Be available.
But, not on every guy that shows interest in you. Be available for HIM, not talking about your future partner, but the One Who gave you this wonderful life, The One Who gave meaning to your existence, The One Who loves you the most. You may not be able to repay the grace that He's given you, but the least that you can do is to simply obey Him.

You might wonder, "If I do this 5 tips, will I be able to meet my perfect mate in the end?" Well, that is something I can't answer. You might meet him after the process, or maybe during the process, or maybe you've met already but the timing's not right, or maybe you are meant to be an independent one.

But, don't be saddened, dear one, just WAIT and everything will be just fine. As it is written in Lamentations 3:25, "The Lord is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him."

Let us remember, waiting will never be boring if you are busy doing something for God.

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