Confused or Confirmed?

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The feels that you get whenever he stares at you, tries to get your attention, holds you, takes care of you, tells you the sweetest compliments, makes you feel like you're the most important girl in his world... and then in split second, *poof!* you're just the other person in the room for him.

Ugh! Quite annoying, right?!

But then, after few moments or days, he'll get back to you, he'll make you feel like he's all yours, he will try to catch you... and just when you're about to give in, he will leave once more.
He. will. leave you... hanging.

The circumstance seems to repeat. And there you are... falling for him harder everytime.

Now, you don't know what do. You don't know what to feel. You don't know what is right anymore, because whenever he's with you, everything seems fine, you're happy, you're contented. But when he's not there, you feel so lost.

Is it worth pushing through? Is it worth the wait? Is HE worth it?

Let's face it. We, ladies, are the weaker vessels, and it's not a shame to admit that we fall easily, we assume too much, and get too attached to a person that makes us feel special. We are just humans and it's normal to want that kind of attention.

Remember, Jeremiah 17:9 says, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately  wicked: who can know it?"
The word 'heart' in this verse is not literally the organ that pumps blood, but rather talks about our emotions. Yes. It is deceitful. It could lead us to dangerous paths, cause us to decide incorrectly and eventually  produce a painful consequence.

Dear one, let us be careful with our emotions. Prayer is the most effective tool to guard our fragile hearts.

Pray for that person you are thinking about right now. And if you're still unsure... 1 Corinthians 14:33 tells us that "...God is not the author of  confusion, but of peace..."

God will not give us someone that will create confusion in our lives. If he really loves you, he'll pursue you. He'll make sure that you're the only girl in his life. He'll ask God's guidance on how to treat you properly. He will pray for you.

You will know that it is God's will if there is peace and joy in your heart.

So, if he's confusing you, it is CONFIRMED that he's not worth it. Maybe not now... maybe not ever.

A/N: Topic, as requested. 😜😘

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