Not Yet

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Human as we are, we do have a tendency to get tired of waiting. Subsequently, it causes us to do things our way, assume too much on things that we thought are for real, and in the end, frustrate ourselves for the results that fall short of our expectations.

After a heartbreak, there was this girl who asked God to guard her heart because she never wanted to experience that painful mistake again. She would always pray to Him to protect her from people that could potentially destroy her healing soul. She wanted a right man at the right time.

Until she met this guy, she has always thought that their paths were made to cross because of the circumstances that would bring them together. She prayed for him and assumed that he has the same feeling as well. She made some steps that could make her get closer to him. Slowly, they became friends, sharing glances and smiles, short convos, liking and commenting on photos.

Little did she know that she was already getting out of track. She was so focused on this guy that even if she goes to church, all she was thinking about was him.

Until this guy slowly gets out of the picture. He doesn't show interest anymore and there were also rumors of him about loving somebody else.

That's when the girl started to question, "Was he really The One that God has chosen for me? Or was he just a test to know how strong my faith is in waiting for God?"

It was quite a lesson for that girl and for all the single Christians as well. According to Isaiah 53:6 "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all." Which is true indeed, because sometimes we are so driven by our emotions that we tend to forget our priorities.

Let us remember that there is always a blessing in waiting. We are God's children and He will never let us suffer with whoever He chooses us to be with. He will never give us someone who would keep us away from Him.

But, we still have our freewill to choose whether to be drowned by the distraction, or wait for His perfect time to be with the perfect one for us.

Single And SatisfiedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon