Never Too Young [2]

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I woke up to the annoying ringing of my alarm in my ears; I reached out for my alarm clock and slammed it off before jumping out of bed. I stretched and walked over to my closet, looking at all the beautiful colours and patterns. I decided on wearing black tights, blue denim shorts, a white vest and a long, black boyfriend cardigan. I grabbed some clean underwear out of my drawers and piled everything up onto my bed.

I walked over to my bathroom with my towel, dressing gown and clean underwear in my hands. I opened the door before walking in and locking it behind me. I threw my things on the floor and undressed. I turned the shower on, waiting for it to get to the right temperature.

After taking a shower I put on my dressing gown and wrapped the towel around my head. I walked back in to my room and waited for my body to dry off a little. I took off the dressing gown and started putting my clothes on.  I took my hair out of the towel and started to blow dry it I then straightened it a little and then styled my side-fringe. I hairsprayed my hair to keep it in place and grabbed my small make-up bag. I applied a small layer of foundation, powder and concealer and then put a little eyeliner on.

I grabbed my phone and checked the time, it was 7:45. I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs, dropping my bag on the floor. I walked over to the kitchen and made a slice of toast and started to eat it. I heard a knock at the front door and ran over to it, I quickly put on my black converse and grabbed my bag before flinging the door open.

“Hey guys, let’s get going to school.” I said shutting the door behind me and finishing off my toast.

“Race you both to school?” Mason said with an evil smile on his face, directed at me and Ricky.

I looked up at Ricky and we both nodded at each other before confirming it to Mason.

“Ready, get set, GO!” I shouted running as fast as I could.

At the moment I was ahead of them both, but when I saw a Ricky’s shadow forming in front of me and getting bigger as he got closer I started to pick up my pace. I ran faster, I could see the school gates.

“Come on Latasha, you can do this!” I quietly chanted to myself.

I ran a little faster and I reached the school gates, eventually, I stopped, leaning over a bit, my hands on my knees trying to hold me up. The boys finally reached me and I jumped up.

“HAHA, IN YOUR FACE SUCKERS, I WON YEAH! WOO! I WON! I DID IT! YEAH! WOO!” I shouted whilst people gave me funny looks.

“Ok, ok, calm down Tasha!” Mason said chuckling at me a little.

I stopped jumping about and shouting and dusted myself off. I looked at Mason and Ricky and smiled at them shortly before I started to walk over to Emily.

“Hey Emily, how you doing this morning?” I asked.

“Fine, just a little tired.” She replied, yawning.

“Yeah same here. You excited about shopping after school?” I asked smiling a little.

“Yep! My mum is giving me £300 to spend it on whatever I like!”

“Wow, £300?” I asked, shocked.

“Well yeah, you see, I don’t usually go shopping and she was happy to hear that I was going shopping with a friend.” She said grinning, showing her straight white teeth.

“Wow…” I said, with astonishment - just then the bell rang signalling everyone to go to form.  “Well I guess I better get going.”

“Me too.” She gave me a warm, caring smile. “See you later!”

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