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So today is finally the day i have been waiting for since the start of high school, the day i get to change my life around completely, the day i can act like a new me, the day where i don't have to put as much effort in fighting my demons, as i have left half of them back home.

"Good bye sweetie, please drive safe" My mum cries into my hair.

"I will mum, for the 10th time" I reply back whilst hugging her waist.

"I love you, don't forget that! Call me at least every Monday and Friday and tell me how you're doing and getting along"

"I'll call you everyday mum, i love you too. Thank you so much for everything you've done for me this past year, for being the best mum any one could of asked for, for sticking by me when i had no one, and for generally, showing me there is some good in this world. I love you so much for everything, you're my idol, my inspiration, and most importantly, my mum."

"Stop, i'm going to be bathing in my tears soon. I love you so much too sweetie, thank you for being the most kindest, loyal and understanding daughter i could ask for! Even if it hasn't been for long! Please, drive safe and remember me whilst your driving"

"God mum, this is so cliché. Stop being silly, i'll come visit you each break you muppet, how can i forget about you? Suck it up woman, i'll always be here" With those last words, she looked at me with a hint of sadness in her eyes as if she was remembering the past, but that was soon over took my happiness.

"I know, and i'm extremely proud of how far you've come Bells ." She pulls me in to a tight embrace "Now come on, you want to be early for your first day to set up don't you."

"Yeah, bye mum i'll call you when i get there. I love you"

We hug extremly tight for a while, before i get in my car and drive off. Waiting for this eight hour drive to fully begin.


Finally, after eight hours and forty-five minutes, stuck in this hot car, i finally made it to university.

I couldn't wait to get into my dorm, and set up my side of the room. I wonder how my room-mate will be, i hope she likes to watch t.v series' and read, and that she isn't a very out going person. I'm a little overwrought to meet her, because all i know is that she is definitely a girl.

I hate meeting new people, i hate having to communicate, i hate change. But, this change is good. No one knows me, no one knows my story.

I guess i'm going to have to make some stuff up about my childhood, because the less people that know the better. It is still a sore spot for me.

Whilst walking towards the building, through the doors and into the shiny elevator. I realise, that these people are just like me.

These people, that are attending this university, are meeting new people. They're experiencing different emotions, they're here to build a future and leaving their childhood behind.

There may even be someone like me, someone so broken and fragile. Someone with a past they don't want revealed. Someone, who just wants to re start their life and do things differently.

I didn't realise i was stood at the end of the hallway until i collided with the wall.

Wow, great day to start the day i think to myself whilst mentally cursing.

I glance quickly to the piece of paper that i hold in my hand, revealing my dorm room number and look straight a head, and to my surprise this was my door room.

'Dorm 124' it read.

I put my key into the large flush door, and turned it. Revealing a relatively large room compared to what i thought it would be like. The room consisted of two, single pine beds either corner of the room and two pine desks at the bottom of each bed, all sat on top of a wooden laminated flooring. There was also two pine wood wardrobes.

Pine, pine, pine. Damn.

The room also had a mini kitchen, which possessed of a sink, microwave and cupboards. Nice.

Then there was a separate room of to the right, which was a wee bathroom. It had a sink, toilet, shower and a large mirror above the sink. Where's the bath? What if i want a relaxing bath?

I've come to the conclusion that my dorm, would need a huge makeover soon. It was plain, extremely basic and had no personality at all. I just need to meet my room-mate first to discuss everything, because i don't really want to decorate a room specifically to my liking. That would be extremely rude.

Whilst deep in thought on how i'm going to decorate my side of the room, i could hear music from outside the building.

I decide on which window to go to, do i go to the window placed on the left side of the cream walls overlooking the bed? Or to the right side of the cream walls where a window was placed overlooking that bed.

I decided on the right side, claiming it as my side of the room now.

Walking over to the window and peering out of it, i see a group of girls climb out a range rover. Along with a brown, curly haired boy, or so i thought it was a boy. But i couldn't make out their faces very well as i'm like five stories high.

I decided on leaving them to get on with it as i could tell they wasn't my cup of tea or people i would associate myself with.

I'm so anxious to meet my room-mate, i wonder when she will be here, what she will look like, what she's studying. During these thoughts, my door opens and in walks a girl, with blonde hair, a face full of make up, and a skirt that is shorter than your arm hair.

"Hey, i'm Angel and i'm your room-mate" She giggles.

Oh great.

iShoot me. hey han

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