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I knew him. Well, it could be someone else.

I don't exactly know that it's him, maybe it's someone that now looks like him?

I don't know, but before i can comprehend what i'm doing i'm running towards the door we just entered before i feel someone grab my wrist.

I struggle out of that persons grip whilst trying to fight the fact that i want to scream and i can feel more and more hands on me.

I reassure myself that they're not here and wont be. They're long gone. But it don't help the memories resurfacing.

I'm now able to hear a voice "Bella, Bella? Hello, Bella?" I recognise the voice as Angel and i'm instantly brought back to reality. "Where are you going?" She questions me.

"I, um" I need to lie, i can't bring up Harry as it may not be the Harry. "It's hot" She looks at me with raised eyebrows as to ask me 'Are you serious?'. "I'm okay now i just needed to feel the breeze"

Do i want to go back inside? Do i want to be faced with a boy i recognise as Harry? Do i want to know if he remembers me? Do i want to think of all the hidden memories? I can either, go back to my dorm, sit in for the rest of the night and let this eat me alive. Or, i can go in, act normal and wait for Harry to bring something up.

I decide with option two else i wont be able to sleep tonight.

"Okay babe, follow me again"

I follow Angel, again through the sexually frustrated teenagers who are currently playing tonsil tennis.

She guides me to the seating area in the living room, which is occupied with a few people. She points a place for me to sit down on a brown, leather sofa. Which is between a boy and a girl.

The boy, has blonde hair and a cheeky smile on his face. I recognise him as Niall. He has on a plain white T-shirt, a navy bomber jacker and black jeans. He looks pretty good.

"Hey Bella" He smiles.

"Hey Niall" I reply with a smile.

"You look good" He compliments.

"Thanks so do you" He laughs.

"Aw look at them two" I look over to see who everyone is staring at, and in fact it's Niall and I. And Angel is directing everyones attention at us, whilst walking in with drinks.

"What can i say" Niall shrugs with a wink at me. I instantly feel my face flush and i mentally thank this house for having no light on but colour changing light.

"Alright lets do shots" Angel demands whilst sitting down on someone lap. Harrys lap. He hasn't really payed any attention to me at all tonight so i wonder if he's avoiding me or if he is generally not interested in me. Probably the second.

Angel hands out shots, one by one. And i'm not usually the one to do shots, but as seeing as this is a new start, i'm feeling very sparky.

Everyone counts down from five, and after one we all drink.

I forgot how much i disliked alcohol until i was a little drunk. The burning of the liquid made my throat feel like it was on fire, but nonetheless it felt good.

It felt good, knowing that i had friends to drink with. That know nothing about my past, not even Harry knows if it is Harry.

The girl on the right side of me spoke up for the first time since i've been here. "That felt good"

"Too right it did Danielle" Niall agreed whilst everyone else nodded.

"Guys, lets play truth or dare how fun will that be!" A blonde haired girl suggested and everyone nodded enthusiastically.

I hate truth or dare, it's a typical party game.

"Everyone playing yeah?" Questions a boy i've never met or seen since i've been sat here.

"Sorry to be a killjoy, but this game really isn't my thing. I'll go get drinks"

Everyone suddenly started moaning about hows it's the first 'truth or dare' of the semester.

"One round, then you can go. Come on Bella" Angel pleads. Do i want to even play one round? I'm not in the mood to do any dares or answer any truths. But before i can say no, the game already starts.

There have been people taking shots of someones tummy, harry's for exact and they've been receiving death glares of Angel. There has also been, people jumping in the pool and you can imagine what else.

It was finally my turn.

"Truth or Dare, Bella?" Angel asks me with a smirk. If i go with truth, they might ask something about my past, or something like that. But if i go with dare, i'll probably shit myself.

However, i say "Dare"

Angel thinks for a second. "I dare you tooooo, kiss the most attractive person here" She deviously dared me with a smirk.

Oh lord, Harry is with no doubt the most attractive person here, with his mop of brown curls, vibrant green eyes, his visible torso through his tight shirt. But, that for one would be somewhat awkward due to the fact that he's dating Angel, and he's a child hood, 'friend' i suppose. I look around the circle, and my eyes land on Niall. This is somewhat awkward yet i'm looking forward to it in a weird way.

I crawl over to him and he looks a bit taken back that i chose him, yet he still has a hint of happiness in his eyes.

I lean in to kiss him without hesitation and it's not until i realise that my glossy lips are pressed again his plump soft ones when cheers are heard. Niall
began to move his lips for a second and so did i before i decided it was enough.

I pulled away and he looked all flustered and cute, he giggled at me like a little school boy.

"Well, that wasn't what we was expecting" Someone said and i laughed. "That lasted like, a whole two minutes. Fair play girl"

"It wasn't that long" I giggled "Anyways, i'm going to get some drinks now" I turned to Niall and smiled, a smirk still evident on his face.

Whilst walking out everyone told me to grab them a drink, how could i manage that?

"I'll help" A slow manly voice said faintly.

I walked into the brightly lit kitchen, to grab a few drinks. I nearly dropped a cup of, whatever was in this bowl before a pair of large masculine hands grabbed it for me.

"Here, let me take some" He demanded as his large hands covered mine to take some of the drinks.

"Thank you s-" I was cut off and my breathing hitched.

It was Harry, the one i had nightmares about. Harry Styles.

"Are you okay?" He questions me in a worried way. "Oh you're staring at this, yeah i fell off my bike when i was little, it's a pretty nasty scar" He laughs, with sadness in his eyes.

But little did he know, i knew he was lying.

Second time meeting. H.SWhere stories live. Discover now