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I stare at her questionably, waiting for her to continue.

"I'm Angel" She proudly announces whilst pulling me over for a hug.

She wraps her extremely skinny arms around me squeezes me. I hope i never hug her again. However, i hug her back.

"It's going to be so good having you as a room-mate!" She boasts and i mentally groan whilst slapping a fake smile on my face.

I'm so judgemental.

"What's your name?" She questions.

I decide on telling her my nickname, "It's Bella, nice to meet you" I decide i'm going to play the nice card as for one, i'm going to be stuck with her for a while, and for two, she might not be that bad i'm just being very judgemental and my walls are too high.

"Ah, cute name!" Angel screeches whilst she practically forces me in to a hug yet again. I hate hugs, i've had far too many of them throughout my life.

This is going to be a long year.

"So, tell me about yourself!"

I don't know what to say, my childhood was fucked up and now my walls are too high to even make friends? Yeah, that's a good first impression. Though it would be funny on seeing her reaction.

She must see my confused expression, "Like, boyfriend? Siblings? Hometown? Favourite colour? I don't know just general stuff" She suggests and shrugs.

"Nope, no boyfriend, no siblings, Lebanon, and navy. Yourself?"

"Wait, you don't have a boyfriend?" I shake my head. "Have you ever had one?" I've never had a boyfriend, but everyone here probably has. And it would be embarrassing to say i haven't.

"Yeah, but it didn't work out" My answer came out smooth and i'm sure it was convincing.

"Oh, i'll get you one!" She winks "Anyways, i'm dating this boy called Harry, i have 2 younger sisters, i'm from Florida, and i love gold and pink. As you can tell!" She looks down towards her heels, which are baby pink, and the heel a shiny gold. How does she walk in them? They're like higher than mount. everest.

"They're nice, i love the gold."

"Thank you, Harry bought them for me. He wont tell me how much they are, but they look so expensive, don't you think?" Not really.

"Yeah, they do" I smile.

"Talking of Harry, i wonder where he is"

"Maybe he's unpacking" I suggest.

"Or maybe he's talking to that bitch Ruth" She hisses through gritted teeth. "Sorry, it's just this Ruth girl seems to have a thing for him and he don't seem to mind"

"Oh right" This reminds me why i've never really took interest in relationships, too much hassle.

"Yeah i'm going to find him. It was nice to meet you though...." She's forget my name already. Shocker!

"Bella" I chuckle.

"Yeah that's it. See you soon" And with that she struts out the door and closes it behind her. I can hear her heels getting fainter and fainter.

I decide on calling my mother. I grab my iPhone and search for her number, clicking ring.

She answers on the second ring, which is surprisingly quick for her as she has no clue how to use her phone.

"Bella! Bell! Oh dear, i've missed you so much! Things are so lonely! It's far too quiet, i don't know what to do with myself" She baffles on and i giggle, i miss her so much and it's been just under a day. "I miss you Bells, we've never gone this long apart for ages! Sorry, i'll shut up. How are things?"

I laugh again, "Hey mum, i miss you too. And they're not that bad, my room-mate is.. Okay i guess. I'd prefer someone quieter but you know, that's not how things work. But, i have yet to meet more people!"

"She might change, you never know. It might be her trying too hard to make a first impression, or maybe she's like Regina George and wants to be queen. Stay on her good side Bells, stay on her good side"

"No i doubt that, she's more like a Blair Waldorf type, and maybe i get to be Serena?"

We both burst out laughing.

"I miss you Bella, i bet break is going to drag"

"Probably, but i have yet to start lessons and make friends. It's going to be hard."

"You never know, there might be someone like you."

"True, but who knows"

"You will soon" 


"Right i've got to go, i need to go shopping. Call me soon Bell, please" my mother pleads.

"Of course i will mum. I love you! Bye!"

"I love you too sweetie, bye"

With them final words, the line goes dead.

I am absolutely dreading classes, meeting new people and making new friends. However, i am a little excited.

I decide to go and explore the campus for a while, as it's just hit evening. Then i'm going to have a hot shower, and then go to bed.

Classes start in under 32 hours, and to say the least. I'm shitting myself.


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