Chapter 1

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Okay so like some of you already know, I wrote this like…idk on the 15th? Well anyway, THANKS FOR WAITING FOR AN UPDATE! I really appreciate all the people already reading this! It’s so awesome! Okay okay, Lauren calm down. Phew!

Okay so know that I have repeatedly said the word “okay” about a million times more than I should have, I think I’m actually ready to write the first actual chapter. I warn you though, I am really bad with grammar sometimes because, like, I’m like I have ultra-Cali-Gurl syndrome so yeeeaaahh… I say “like” A LOT! Don’t hate.

For the editing this excuse of a fanfiction, I will most likely ask my super smart BESTIE OF BESTIES, Ariel to that tedious job! I fucking love her so much! She HELPED A LOT! ILY EARL *snort*! Oh and so it’s easier to read, I have changed it to third person cause changing POVs is a pain in the ass.


PS. I live in Pacific Palisades, by the beach so Harry’s gunna live in Pacific Palisades... DEAL WIT IT! Muahahahah! (Plz don’t stalk me TT^TT)

Oh and another PS… I’m really bad at beginning and ending chapters so lo siento from the start. It will be cheesey for a tad bit but I hope you’ll pull through it with me… ONWARD


*C h a p t e r   1*

   It was raining cats and dogs and Harry was starting to beat himself up for not checking the weather before he went surfing that morning and after making his way to work at Marmalade Café, a bakery on Montana. See, he didn’t bring an umbrella. He was in his colorful swim shorts and, being the lazy beach bum he was, a grey sweatshirt. Yup. No shirt for this guy. So now back to the present, where Harry is now shivering and drenched in water. Not that he is complaining, cause he loves the water. It’s just that he doesn’t really like standing in the rain, trying to figure out where the hell he parked his Jeep that morning. He gave up trying to think and decided that walking in a general direction was probably his best bet.

  After about 5 blocks up, he was stumped. How could he be so stupid not to remember where he parked his DAMN CAR!? It was starting to rain harder to top it off. This was suddenly turning into a crappy day. It’s not like it could get any worse so he kept walking. But his walking was soon put to a stop as he was suddenly on the ground, a pain shooting through his side and a squelching sound from the cardboard box he had crushed. He sat up and cursed to himself because he didn’t think it was possible to get wetter. But his theory has been disproven. He was now wishing he had worn a shirt.

   Harry lifted his head to look at what had so rudely been in the middle of the sidewalk and tripped him. The box was old and now completely crushed. He noticed a sign hanging off of it that read “Free Kittens”. It took a moment for his brain to process that information but he soon started to panic, swearing to himself that if he hurt a poor, defenseless kitten he would never forgive himself. He swiftly moves his sprawled legs off the crumpled box and starts to search through it to find something that makes his breath catch in his throat.

  The sight of an unconscious cat, whose fur was drenched and caked in mud tugged at his heart. He was washed over with guilt and immediately felt pity for the scrawny thing. Watching the young cat’s chest move up and down ever so slightly, he made a decision. Gently, he cupped the kitten with one hand and cradled its head with the other, slowly bringing it towards himself. He lifted up his jacket, not without shivering from the cold air, and brought the hand that carried the kitten under his jacket so he could warm up the shivering body. Harry made sure the kitten was secure in his jacket before running up Montana to find his car he needed more than before.

   It took about 15 minutes to find it and he sighed with relief as he shuffled into his Jeep and immediately turned on the heat. He pulled the kitten out of his jacket, once he made sure that his car was warm enough, to examine the tiny thing. It’s quivering hadn’t ceased but its little nose did look a bit pinker. Its ear twitched and its tail swayed. It was enough for Harry to give a small smile before pulling out his keys from his soaking wet JanSport backpack, rev the car on, and quickly drive home.

   It had taken him roughly 27 minutes to drive home as quickly as possible without getting pulled over on the freeway. When his car stopped in his drive way, he bounded out of the car and through the rain to get inside without getting more wet than necessary. He fumbled around with his keys and burst inside his house. Running upstairs to his bedroom, he took the kitten out of this dripping jacket and onto his bed and draped a blanket over it before swiftly stripping.

   Everything had to be done quickly. He turned on the bath and went to go find the kitten who hopefully wasn’t awake yet. Sighing with relief, Harry picked up the still unconscious kitten and walked back to the now full and steaming bathtub.

   Stepping in carefully, he hissed at the warm sensation that hit his tan skin. Once he was fully settled in, he sighed contently and pulled the kitten slowly into the water with him. The mud from its fur started to blend with the bath water as Harry took a wet washcloth and rubbed its small body carefully not to wake it up.

   After getting all the muck off of it, he didn’t even bother to wash himself as he got out and pulled the plug. He used the closest towel to quickly dry the kitten’s newly discovered white fur, but immediately stopped when he heard a strangled mewl. He pulled up the towel to find half lidded, cerulean orbs tiredly staring up at him.

SOOOOOO… WHAT YOU ALL THINK OF DA FIRST CHAPTER?! Idk man… I don’t know how to critique anything… I’m a proper dunce. Well anyway, PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE! You have no idea what it means to me. I cry with pleasure every time a see a comment and I try and reply to everyone! Unless the comment just says “UPDATE WOMAN!” cause I don’t know how to reply to that except for posting an update. I hope this chapter satisfies you for like 3-5 days…



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