Chapter 3

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All was perfect when Harry finally woke up. His grey sweats he had put on the previous night had somehow managed to end up on the ground leaving him nude and at the perfect temperature. His pillow wasn’t boiling hot so he made no motion to flip it over because everyone knows how much of a pain in the ass it can be. And then there was the kitten. Wait actually…there was no kitten.

Not so perfect anymore.

Jolting out of bed, Harry started to lift up all of his sheets and clothes on his bedroom floor, desperately looking for any sign of where the tiny thing was. No sign.

“Shit,” he cursed to himself as he ruffled his bed hair and slipped on a pair of boxers before venturing out of his bedroom to continue his search. Getting on all fours he started to look under all the furniture.

“Heeeere gir-.uh.” He paused and then facepalmed. He was so worried about the safety of the poor thing that he had completely forgotten to check the fricken GENDER of it.

He tried again. “Heeeere kitty kitty kitty…” he repeated over and over in a hushed voice.

Then he heard it. A soft mew sounded from under the couch behind him. Bingo!

Spinning around swiftly on his knees, no doubt giving him a small carpet burn in the process, he pressed his face against the ground and peered under the couch. The view almost made Harry coo at the sight of it.

The small cat was curled up in a makeshift bed made form one of many shirts that Harry has lying around and staring at him with those same beautiful eyes. 

Harry giggled to himself and carefully reached in and pulling it back to him. He cradled it in his arms, with the kitten still wrapped up in his shirt, as he sat cross legged and gently started to scratch under its chin, earning him a weak purr. Harry took the chance to nonchalantly look down aaaannnndd… YAY What do ya know?! It’s a boy!

The kitten’s face leaned against his touch, politely begging for more to which Harry obliged. Well at least he would have if he had not been interrupted by his annoying doorbell that still scares the living day lights out of him.

Sighing, he stands, making sure not to drop the little guy, and made his way to the door. He looked through the peep hole and chuckled before opening the door and walking away so the person could let himself in.

“Harrrreeeehhh! Waz happenin?! Dude, you missed all the waves this morning and you’re normally the first person there! What happened?!” the guest flung his arms around Harry’s neck, not even caring that he was only clad in boxers, putting him in a playful chokehold and laughing to himself.

“Yo Zayn, get the hell off me!” Harry tried to sound stern but rather failed as the end came out as a laugh more than an order.

But he did get the point across as Zayn laughed and did so anyway. “ ‘Kay dude, whatever. Hey wait… Why are you holding a bundle?” He gasped. “Oh no, you didn’t, did you?!”


“Oh Jesus Harry! You knocked a girl up didn’t ya?!”

“Oh god NO! NO ZAYN! You’ve got it all wrong! I didn’t! I s-swear! I-I…”

He trailed off and soon Zayn was laughing hysterically.

“God I hate you dickwad.” Harry huffed and walked past the laughing mess that somehow ended up on the ground in a ball and into the kitchen because he just realized how hungry he was and how hungry the quivering cat was in his shirt-bundle must be too.

Zayn followed him in while wiping his tears off his face with the back of his hand.

“So what exactly is that again?” He peered over Harry’s shoulder as Harry continued to make a fried egg for himself.

“Oh I found a kitten yesterday in the storm and it looked like it was in need of a little help so… here take him” Harry quickly shoved the cat into the expectant arms of Zayn so he could have both hands to flip his egg cause I mean who likes an egg with a popped yolk?

“Oh crap! This is the cutest thing I have ever seen! It makes me wanna vomit rainbows or something stupid!”

“If you wanna do something stupid leave please. Whenever you do something stupid it always destroys something of mine so please do something useful and warm up a bottle of milk for him or go get me my sweats.”

“Fine then Mr. Bossy” Zayn proceeds to do something useful.

AN: omg I am so sorry that this took so long! I am such a hypocrite! I will add more and a promise it will actually come sooner! Thanks to the people who commented! I love you guys! You know who you are ;) I couldn’t resist your puppy dog face for an update so here is one!

WHO ELSE SHOULD BE IN THIS STORY?! Like should I include Ed or like the members of 5SOS or idk guys. Oh and I can put hints of other ships in this so tell me what other ships you like!

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-Lauren the Sherlockian

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