Chapter 2

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I am so tired. I cannot even begin to describe how HORRIBLE my day has been. In two words, utter shit. So to satisfy myself and my Narry Hybrid needs I decided to write another chapter and this time make my AN shorter cause I just realized how long my other one was. :P so I hope my crap attitude doesn’t ruin this chapter. If it does, PLEASE feel free to tell me it sucked major camel balls.



   After getting all the muck off of it, he didn’t even bother to wash himself as he got out and pulled the plug. He used the closest towel to quickly dry the kitten’s newly discovered white fur but immediately stopped then he heard a strangled mewl. He pulled up the towel to find half lidded, cerulean orbs tiredly staring at him.

*C h a p t e r  2*

   Beautiful. The color and emotion that was behind these eyes were enough to make Harry’s breath hitch in his throat. They were stunning! But in his elated state he failed to notice that the young feline had started to quiver and its once lidded eyes had become huge and afraid. It started to struggle to get out of his grasp but the poor thing was so weak and frail that it didn’t help its situation.

   Harry was washed over with pity once again towards this bundle of life that was so afraid. He felt the instinct to take care of it and protect it. So he did exactly that.

    The curly haired boy placed the cat, still wrapped in the towel, in his bed before quickly shoving a pair of grey sweats on before swooping the kitten back up in his arms and headed to the kitchen with a new mission. GET FOOD IN THIS SKINNY THING!

   He needed milk, warm milk. He messily scurried around the kitchen, pouring milk into a saucer and shoving it into the microwave for about a minute, all while keeping an eye on the still very frightened kitten who had given up trying to escape.

   Its gaze never left Harry’s face and he had realized that every time he turned his head to look at it, it cringed backwards. But it still didn’t make a move to look away each time they locked eyes. Harry could see all the emotions swirling in its eyes. There was fear, hurt, mistrust, and he felt horrible that this creature has had such a horrid start to the beginning of its life. He silently promised to himself that he would do anything to make up for that.

   His thought process was soon interrupted by the obnoxious beeping of the microwave.  He pulled out the bowl carefully to make sure he didn’t get burned or spill it. Once the bowl was secure on the counter he walked to one of his cupboards to find a bottle that he had used many times before for previous babysitting jobs.

   After staring at the bowl and the bottle he soon decided he needed two hands for this part, so he placed the bundled kitten on the couch. He rushed back into the kitchen where the milk had become like warm and quickly transferred milk from bowl to bottle, twisting the top on as he walked to his couch.

   On his couch he noticed the kitten had crawled out of the towel and was sniffing cautiously around the couch but as soon as it saw Harry it tried to run back to the makeshift nest only resulting in it tripping over its paws and falling on its side.

    “Gosh you’re so weak. We have to get some food into you,” Harry whispered as he gently scooped up the kitten and sat down, immediately cradling the cat in the crook of his elbow on its back.

   He slowly brought up the bottle to the kitten’s lips where it took a tentative sniff and little lick before quickly gulping down the warm liquid. Harry smiled at how adorable it was. He chuckled as he held it closer to his shirtless body, loving the feel of its fur tickling across his skin. The kitten’s body was visibly getting less tense and as soon as the bottle was finished off, the kitten let out a cute yawn and cuddled into Harry’s chest, covering its adorable face with its paws drifting off onto sleep in an instant.

   Harry cooed silently not wanting to move and disturb such innocents but his eyes were soon drooping and before long he had to make the painstakingly slow and quiet walk back to his bedroom. By the time he got to his bed he was aware that the kitten was deep asleep and he sighed as he slid into bed while still cradling the cat to his chest. As soon as his head hit his pillow, exhaustion hit him full force with all that happened that day and he soon followed the softly snoring kitten into dreamland.

I know all these chapters have been really short and there has been like NO DIALOGUE and I am truly sorry. I will try and update frequently and I will be adding dialogue in the next chapter when one of Harry’s friends comes over. Question is WHO should this friend be?


DO IT! Okay I’m off! BYEEEE

-Lauren the CatLvrrrr <3

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