Chapter 5

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Okay you now have every right to slap me into oblivion! I SOWWY! This AN will stay short, don't worry! TBH I had thought that I had updated like a week ago only to find out that all that happened is just that ALL MY FUCKING PROGRESS WAS DELETED INSTEAD OF PUBLISHED AND I AM PISSED! But oh well. *plays Dark Horse and starts re-typing everything*

"OhMYGODGETTHATTHINGOUTOFMYFACERIGHTNOWORISWEARTOGODLOUISANDIWILLHAVESEXONYOURCOUCHINFRONTOFYOU!" Liam screamed sending Zayn and Louis into hysterical giggles as Harry immediately clung Niall back to his chest.

"You wouldn't DARE!" Harry scowled.

"Oh but we already have" Louis chimed in making everyone's laughter uncontrollable and Harry's face pale.

"I think I'm going to be sick"

"Aw common man it's not that bad. They could have done it on your kitchen counter!" Zayn sputtered out in between gasps of air and leaning on the couch for support.

"Fuck you guys. I don't need you. I have Niall now and he's better than ALL of you" Harry humphed and looked down at his precious cat only to see his folded tan arms.

"FUCK! AGAIN NIALL!?" he sighed loudly. "You guys," he pointed at the couple, "take your fucking shoes off and stop treading sand throughout my crib and Zayn..." he sighed again, "put some clothes on and help me find Niall."

Harry ignored the grumbling that came from his friends about him being a "bossy hoe" and grabbed some leftover chicken he had in his fridge cause he didn't have any cat treats.

"Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiial? Here kitty kitty kitty." Harry cooed. "I've got chiiiiickeeeeen! Common kittyyyy! Every kitty looooves chiiickeeennn..." Sighing, he cursed himself for letting his rich-ass parents buy him such an unnecessarily huge house. It was even worse that he let the house decorator/stylist whatever person make EVERYTHING WHITE! Niall was white! It's gunna take years to locate the plush feline. But there was nothing to do except keep looking and wafting the chicken in random crevices.

That was until he realized that the door to his garage was cracked open. He put the chicken down on a random counter and slowly went into the garage where he kept his surfboards, jet skis, kayaks, etc. It was so packed there was no room for his Jeep. He shut the door behind him silently and heard noises come from the corner where he kept his swimwear and spare jackets. Slowly, he inched closer until he saw his small kitty on his hind legs reaching for a jacket. Harry smiled and cheered internally for finding him so fast but before he could get closer to grab him, Niall started to grow bigger... and bigger...

Staring, wide eyed, he watched as Niall's whole structure started shifting and before he knew it, there was a naked, pale, blond (almost white) haired boy standing there pulling the jacket over his head. Harry was speechless and frozen in shock with his mouth hanging open.


The blonde suddenly turned around and looked straight into Harry's eyes. Cerulean meets green and the kid starts to back away cautiously while holding the jacket down to cover himself up decently.

Get yo shit together Styles!!! He mentally slapped himself and took a step forward and reaching out. Blondey shuffled back quickly on his bare feet with terror in his eyes and tripped backwards over a kayak with a small squeal.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?!" Harry quickly rushed over to help him up and was immediately pushed away by the scared kid who curled up with his knees to his chest with a whimper.

"H-hey it's okay." Harry spoke softly and crouched down to his level. "I'm not gunna hurt you." He gave a reassuring smile and reached his hand out again only to stop cause the kid cringed and shut his eyes tightly with another whimper. But Harry kept going until he lightly placed his hand on top on the boy's plush hair reassuringly. Slowly, his hand moved from the top of his head to cup his cheek. He lifted the boy's face up to get a better look at him. His eyes were still closed and he was biting his lip but damn he was cute. Using his thumb to brush his soft cheek, the kid eventually relaxed enough to lean into the touch and open his eyes.

His eyes.

Fuck... Harry's breath hitched.

But obviously, his friend always know when to barge in and fuck things up.

"HAAAAARRRRYYYYY!! LILO IS AT IT AGAINNNNN!!!!!!" Zayn burst his way into the garage and started walking towards Harry who quickly removed his hand and pulled the hood over the kid's head. Zayn froze when he got close enough to notice the half-naked blonde.

"OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH Harry! So scandalous! You had a girl over this whole time and you never introduced us! She's hot, nice pick!" Zayn gave a thumbs up and thumped Harry on the back.

"No Zayn. You're wrong... like always." Harry sighed and rubbed his face. How the hell am I supposed to explain this?

"Wait so she's not yours?! Sweet! I'll gladly take her!" Zayn squatted down, "Nice to meet you gorgeous. I'm Zayn," he winked, "What's your name?"

"Zayn, you can't have her." Harry said as he grabbed the kid's arm and stood them both up feeling oddly possessive over the kid.

"And why the hell not?" Zayn stood up too with his hands on his hips.

"Cause she's mine." Harry moved to stand in-between blondey and Zayn.

"HA! So I was right!" Zayn proudly chuckled.

"Nope you're still not right nor do I ever think you ever will be, dude." Harry laughed. "Cause she's actually a HE"

"Bullshit..." Zayn scoffed, obviously not convinced

Harry pulled the boy out from behind him and pulled down his hood... Zayn's face was priceless.


"Nope!" Harry laughed at his utter confusion and started to walk past him towards the door with the boy in tow, "Wrong once again!!"

Zayn just shut his yap and followed Harry in hope of an explanation soon cause he was dying to know who the fuck that was.

Well there's as much as I remember of what I wrote but I'm stuck at home all day and if you comment on what should happen next then I will most probably use it cause yeah... I'm just like that so whatever...

-Lauren the Cumberbitch

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2014 ⏰

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