Chapter 1

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Hi! This is my second ever MerDer fanfic and the second that I'm currently writing..

Some important background facts:

It's the first time that Meredith comes to Seattle since she was five, so, she doesn't know the Seattle gang and vice versa.

She and Addison are best friends from college and medical school but Addie is a couple of years older.

Ellis Grey is well alive and... well, Ellis-like. She lives in Boston.

Bailey, Cristina, Izzie, George and Alex are all attendings now

Any more questions, ask me. Please, let me know what you think about the story. I'm really hooked on this plot but I'm probably biased. R&R, cheers!


"That one," a tall redhead sitting with her back to the counter pointed at the man that had just entered the club.

"Him? Easy," commented derisively her golden-haired friend, a bit shorter, but dressed with equal style.

As the man was passing by them, she lazily crossed her leg over another, inadvertently but most consciously, making the hem of her short black dress travel a few inches up her thigh. The man stared hungrily at the sight of the newly exposed skin but after a second of hesitation chose to sit at the other side of the bar.

"You suck, Mer! You suck!" laughed the redhead. "Thanks to your inability to turn on a guy, we have to pay for the drinks with our own money."

"Shut up, Addie!" scolded Meredith. "There was clearly something wrong with him! Besides, we can afford it, we're hotshot doctors! Two tequilas, please!"

"Definitely hot!" agreed Addison but suddenly, turned serious. "So, it's decided? One hundred per cent sure?"

"Yes," nodded Mer. "I'd be crazy to turn it down."

"Yeah, but what I still don't get is your mother's attitude." Addison shook her head.

"I've never got my mother's attitudes. But true, true; that is kinda surprising. I thought... that once in my life, she would actually... be proud of me," her face betrayed disappointment. She waved her hand as though to disperse dark thoughts. "I don't know why I still care."

"I think she is proud of you," consoled Addie. "I mean, she was civil, wasn't she? She didn't yell."

"Yes, she was very... polite," admitted Meredith bitterly. "She could show some enthusiasm at the fact that her only daughter was chosen Chief of Surgery at one of the finest teaching hospitals in the country. I think she might be simply... jealous."

"I... I don't think so," stated her friend. "She just might be concerned. You know... your father thing..."

Meredith sighed, "Whatever, I'm glad that you're coming with me. Couldn't do this without you."

"You could. Are you absolutely positive you're doing the right thing? It might not be a very popular decision."

Mer smiled. "Don't worry, I've made a discreet research. Your skills exceed the qualifications of their neonatal squad. I won't let you waste your talent at Sinai. It will be ages before Jenkinson steps down."

Addie grinned and grabbed her newly filled glass.

"To you, Dr. Meredith Grey, the new Chief of Surgery at Seattle Grace Hospital."

"And to you, Dr. Addison Montgomery, the new Chief of Neonatal Surgery Department."

They drank the content of their glasses at a draught.

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