Chapter 46

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The steely door of the elevator had barely the chance to hide them from view, when Meredith's impatient lips landed on Derek's and her body pushed him against the back wall. The word insatiable just acquired a new meaning. They spent an almost sleepless night of steamy lovemaking followed with another round in the shower. Their hunger for each other still remained unsatisfied as they glued in the confines of the elevator, intent on prolonging the magic of the previous evening.

The door opened sooner than they anticipated and they didn't even have the time to spring back from their embrace when they were joined by Mark and Addie. Seeing as the newcomers turned out to be their friends, Meredith wasted no time in attacking Derek's lips all over again with doubled zeal.

"Nice to see you too," smirked Mark.

"Ugh, you think you can tone it down a bit?" sighed Addison.

"Nope, we're practicing," Meredith managed to utter, ripping her lips from Derek's for a second.

"For what?" Mark rolled his eyes trying to ignore the sloppy sounds behind him. "Breaking the world's record for the longest air deprivation?"

"No," giggled Meredith. "For the honeymoon."

"For the... For the what???" shrieked Addie turning on her heel and dragging her sister's hand that was woven in Derek's hair making him yelp in pain. "You're engaged? How? When?"

Meredith broke the kiss at last laughing widely. "Yesterday. Derek asked me and I couldn't say no, could I?"

"Oh, Mer," whispered Addie and hugged her tightly. "Congratulations. If there's one person that deserves to be happy, it's you. And the ring it's truly beautiful, Derek," she complimented moving to hug him.

"Have you thought about any dates?" she asked when Mark felicitated the fiancés.

"Probably the summer," nodded Meredith with a grin.

"There's not really much time," remarked Addison. "We need to start planning right away."

"Okay, I guess I'm the one who has to be the spoilsport," Mark cleared his throat seeing Derek's delighted face and girls' enraptured looks, "but you seem to forgetting about one minor detail... or a major detail, to be exact."

"If you're about to pronounce one of your stupid comments then maybe you should-" started Addie with a berating tone.

"If there's anybody that should do something, it's not me," he replied defensively. "If anything, it's Derek. And I'm talking about contacting the family he completely forgot about. Remember those five Shepherd women all the way back in New York? Yeah, your mother and sisters that probably want to rip you apart limb after limb. Don't even dream to get hitched without Ma's knowledge."

"I don't intent to..." muttered Derek with a sinking feeling. "Oh shit." Mark was absolutely right of course. He couldn't remember the last time he called his family in New York; he was constantly too absorbed with something else... Meredith, work, Meredith...

"Telling the parents..." sighed Addison glancing at Meredith knowingly, who, if it was even possible, felt much worse than Derek at the prospect of announcing the happy news to her mother.

"So, how was yesterday?" asked Dr. Wyatt encouragingly. "You survived, I see."

Therapy sessions were still much in Meredith's schedule but seeing her progress, Dr. Wyatt proposed to limit their meetings to one per week. Right now, a cool conversation with the older doctor was just in place.

"Yesterday... was wonderful," sighed Meredith twirling her ring around her finger.

"Was it?" Dr. Wyatt insisted shrewdly. "You don't look enthusiastic. Is everything all right with you and Derek?"

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