Chapter One: Jeice Brings Back a Problem

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Jeice: Hello, everyone! It's me, your favorite member of the Ginyu Force! I do hope you like this chapter! It's all about me...

Ginyu: All right, Jeice. Let's get on with it.

Jeice: Oh...okay, Cap'n! Here we go!


Jeice said, coming into the first room of Frieza's grounded, updated ship: "Did everyone make it back safely?" 

Ginyu: (before Jeice was all the way inside the ship) "W..Why do you want to know?" He took a second glance at his partner, and then fixed his eyes on him in wonder.                                                    

Jeice replied: "Well, you see, Cap'n, we have a bit of a problem..." He was embarrassed.                      
They all looked up at Jeice, and saw that his hair had been turned into a giant marshmallow!                   

Ginyu, crossing his arms: "All right, I've seen enough."                                                                                                                                        
Guldo: "Can we kick him out of the force? 

Jeice: "But, Cap'n!"

Ginyu: "No. I don't want weird stickyheads like you around our ship. Who knows what they've done to you."

Jeice: "Look. I'm sure it's just from the gravity or some other strange reason. It's not like I'm a stranger to you." He stared at him longingly.

Ginyu said, having mixed feelings about this: "That's just it. For some other strange reason... It could affect us."

Jeice: "Are you really going to do this to me, Cap'n?"

Ginyu said, tears forming in his eyes, "I'm sorry, were one of the best. Your service will not be forgotten!" He saluted him.

Jeice started to cry as well. "Goodbye, Ginyu Force! I will never forget you! Nor what you've done!"

And so, Jeice walked out of that room, and exited the ship. He lived on the Earth in terror for seven months, being further recognized as the StickyHead by his friends of the GF and people on the earth. He didn't know why Ginyu gave him that name, but he respected him for it.
While he lived through those months, the rest of the newly reformed Ginyu Force worked on missions to collect Dragon Balls and new servants. Jeice was still angry at the Captain...

The Ginyu Force Returns! Jeice Has A Problem...A Dragon Ball Z StoryWhere stories live. Discover now