Chapter Four: Frieza Goes Ballistic

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As you know, Frieza can be very ill-tempered when it comes to anything not going his way. In this case, he became obsessed with wanting to see Jeice's new hairdo. Captain Ginyu tries to divert his attention, but he doesn't want to defy him as his, what will he do? Find out in this amazing chapter.


Ginyu: "Master Frieza, we have been looking for Jeice for four days.....are you that determined to find him? I mean, I have to admit, this is quite insane and out of the ordinary for you of all people...."

Frieza: *evil look* "What did you say, Ginyu? How dare you speak to me like that! Now, go satisfy yourself with a card game or something and stop bugging me!"

Ginyu: ...o.O


Jeice: I wonder what I'm going to do now...I look very odd to the humans, but I already do without this fluffy thing in my hair. Oh well, I can't change what I look like....I guess I will go intrigue myself by taking over this planet. I think I'm going to start my own force!! Do you hear that, Cap'n?!"

Three days later....

Jeice, crestfallen: "You know, this whole "taking over the planet idea" just isn't fun without Frieza and the almost makes me want to cry....."*tear drop* He hung his head in sadness. "Oh, Master, why did you let Ginyu force me out of the team? It just isn't fair!"

A few minutes later, Frieza's spaceship landed in front of Jeice, and Frieza plastered himself to the front window: "JEICE!!! I'VE FOUND YOU!!!!"                                                                                                                                                  

He walked out to Jeice, and looked over him. 

Frieza: "Jeice, what IS this?!? Are you turning into the Pillsbury Dough Boy?"

Jeice, surprised that they found him: "Never heard of the lad."

Frieza: "Never mind. Just tell me what happened to you, you poor little man."

Jeice: " happened when we came back from a successful battle on New Namek. It just...appeared...and now, its perhaps permanent residence is my head....."

Ginyu: "Sad story. Oh well. Can we just leave now?" 

He was obviously annoyed, but slightly glad to see Jeice again.

Frieza: "I love your new hairdo, Jeice! I think it suits you mighty well!"

Jeice: "You think?"

Frieza: "Yep."

Jeice: "Well, then I'm all right with it!"

Ginyu: -_-

Burter: "Heheheh...Jeice looks weird."

Guldo: "Yes, he does."

Jeice: "Burter, I thought we were friends!"

Burter: "Oh. Sah-reeeee." *derp eyes*

Recoome: "Ha, even weirder than Guldo."

Guldo, looking at Recoome: I thought we were friends!

Frieza: "Now that we all are reunited, why don't we head back to the ship and fly home?"

Jeice: "All right, Frieza." He smiled, quite surprised at how they accepted him back. 

Well, it had been seven months. Yet, there was more to come than just Jeice's strange marshmallow head transformation.

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