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Disclaimer: I don't own the PJO series, I only own the plot line.
A/N: co-writer Awl111

Chapter 1: prologue

Percy's Pov:

I was woken up from my dreams by a scream coming from the kitchen. I quickly got up and ran to the living room. When I got there I saw Gabe holding a knife above my mom and screaming at her. He stopped when he saw me and gave me a scary smirk. Mom looked over at me and mouthed for me to run. Mom told me on my birthday once that if I was ever in danger to run to the sea and I would be safe. I didn't want to leave my mom, but I knew if I stayed, I could be killed.

I looked around quickly and found one of Gabe's empty beer bottles on the and threw it at him as hard as I could. All it did saw bounce off his tummy and land on the floor near the TV. But it startled him so Mom could grab the knife. She looked over at me and yelled for me to go and that she wouldn't be able to hold him away for long.

I turned around and ran to my room. I just grabbed everything that would fit and my school backpack. While I was packing I couldn't stop myself from crying. I didn't know if I would ever see my mommy again. Once everything was stuffed in the bag, I quickly put it on my shoulder and ran out onto the streets of Manhattan.

The last thing I saw of them was Gabe on the ground and Mom on the phone, yelling at me to leave. I didn't look back again. I kept running until I got to the park and hid behind a tree.

I took shelter under the slide when it started to rain. It felts like weeks went by with me just huddled up in my jacket shivering because of the rain and cold.

Theseus pov:

Athena and I was walking in the park when we saw a little figure trying to get warm in a small coat under one of the slides at the park.

"Do you see that boy too?" I asked Athena.

It took her a minute to spot who I was talking about, but once she did she was shocked like me.

"Who would leave a boy that young in the middle of winter at a park?" exclaimed Athena.

"I don't know," I shook my head sadly.

We decided to check on the boy, but when we got closer, he saw us and ran away. When he looked at us I saw that his eye color was sea green and he had a powerful aura around him.

"Did you see that?" Athena asked.

"Yes. As far as I know only one other person has that color," I whispered.

"Poseidon," Athena said quietly.

"Yep" I said popping the 'p'.

We decided to ask Poseidon about the boy. Athena wanted to look for the kid, but we decided to look when we knew more about the boy. We both flashed to my dad's palace and we found him in the throne with Amphitrite, my two brothers Triton and Orion and both of their wives: Artemis and Calypso. The conversations stopped when we appeared. Dad smiled and walked over clapping us both on the backs.

"I have a question for you dad," I said when everything calmed down enough.

"What's your question my boy?" Dad asked.

"Did you go against the pact and sire another demigod?" I asked, glaring at him.

By the look on dad face he did. Amphitrite did not look happy and glared at Dad when he didn't answer after a couple of minutes went by. He just stood there and said nothing.

"Yes, but you weren't supposed to find out about him until he got older," Dad said sadly.

"Well we saw him in the park under a slide. He looked cold and homeless," said Athena said.

Everyone glared at Poseidon, but he looked very shocked and surprised.

"No that shouldn't be, his mom wouldn't do that!" exclaimed Poseidon.

He told us to tell him what we saw and we did. After our tale was done, he left and came back after a couple of minutes with what looked like a picture.

"Did he look like this?" Poseidon asked.

We nodded. He told us that his mom loved the boy too much to let him be in the cold and something must have happened to her. We talked for a couple of minutes to decide what we were going to do.

A/N: I post this story on fan if you like this story you can read it off that I will try to post more chapters in the upcoming days.

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