I see their eyes, I feel their pain, I hear their screams. They echo through the house and rattle my veins. I see their faces distraught full of suffering. All the while I sit rocking back and forth crying. My mahogany strands of curly hair falling over my face, tears of heartache fill my eyes, causing them to go bloodshot. I sit in the cold, where a filament of moonlight streams in.
I am afraid, very afraid. It was about 9:00pm when they came. Dressed in black almost like the dementors from a book (I believe that is what they are called) that I found in the junk. Their faces hidden. Mother and Father were prepared. They were after our family and the secret we hold. I ran. Flying up the staircase. I hear thumping heavy footsteps behind me. So I ducked into the cupboard and pull down the stairs to the attic. That's where I remain. I don't know where my parents are or if they are okay.
There is silence nothing but the wind whispering. No noise coming from any house including ours. Nothing. I am worried and want to see if my parents there, But what if they are waiting like a lion stalking prey ready to pounce. But I do it because nothing is more important than love. I make the descent down the creaky ladder trying not to make a ssound.As walk down the hallway i see a glow. When i finally come to the living room it is empty the fire was dying, its coal glowing and luminous colour.
My heart screams. I can't breath.My thoughts are only on them. I can't believe it. The strongest and most courageous people in my family gone! For what seems like an eternity i lie there sobbing wishing that tomorrow morning I would wake up to the lively chatter of our household.
At some point I must of cried myself to sleep and woke up to silence. It was a nightmare I once had when i was a child. But I know that I have to go after them. My sister is gone because we didn't follow her. And who knows she might be....dead. I CAN'T TAKE THAT RISK.

Mistero / ThrillerSecrets consume your mind leaving you in a sea of hazy emotions and thoughts with no one to save you. Secrets eat you from the inside. Leaving you lost. Millie will find that secrets can lead you to a life or death situation.