My stomach lurches as his grey bony hands clutch the curtains threadbare silk and reveal a horrible sight. Destiny turned as I saw 3 unmistakable people. Lying there were three stick like bodies. Their chests barely alive. Up... Down.. Flat... Piled on top of eachother like unwanted clothes. My heart stops, the infrequent beat causes a pounding ache to occur throughout my nimble body. I stare into their eyes. Their hopeless eyes. Eyes that may not see the glimmer of the sun again. Those eyes.
Suddenly a cold voice lingers in the air and a wicked smile spreads across the man's face. "SOOOOO. What will it be? Them. Or Nothing." He stared directly into my eyes. Those eyes. A deep cold green full of nothing, no point but to look at the pain and suffering.
A faint painful grunt echoed in the corner. I could not bare to look at them. To stare at their fragile bodies. To see what he has done to them. That sparked my courage and I clenched my fists and spat: " THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO ME OR TO MY FAMILY THAT WILL BREAK US APART. AND FOR YOU YOU DISGUSTING MAN NO WONDER EVERYONE HATES YOU. AND YOU WILL NEVER GET HOLD OF OUR SECRET."
Muscly arms grab my body. There was no point in struggling. I felt as though my fragile limbs would snap. All of a sudden my body flew through the air making painful contact with the frosty wall..
My eyes flicker open and see darkness. A metallic taste fills my mouth as thick red blood dribbles from my forehead. My hand reaches for the comforting locket that lies in my threadbare cotton pocket. Its cold surface is safely in my hand. A crackly voice fills my mind and it is though it is mums. Suddenly memories of the goings of the day flood back. An overwhelming moment happens: A cracked dry hand slithers into mine and the warmth of a man's body closes in on me. Then a quiet voice says: " Thy shall persist, To no avail, Will one success.' The verse engraved on the locket. This voice goes on to say: ' Though one day, When one sits on the warmth of their home, will she understand. The lines ring in my head. The whole message reads:
Thy shall persist
To no avail
Will one succeed
Until one day
When one sits in the warmth
Of ones home
Will she understand
Our family secret. Worded differently. That is our family message is our family motto but mixed around it is our family secret. A sudden urge hits and I start searching the room. If I find a way to escape. If I get one more chance, maybe, just maybe everything will be okay.
My fingers slither across the stone surface until i reach something hard cold and lump. Something.
Mystery / ThrillerSecrets consume your mind leaving you in a sea of hazy emotions and thoughts with no one to save you. Secrets eat you from the inside. Leaving you lost. Millie will find that secrets can lead you to a life or death situation.