Chapter 9

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(A/N: Electra Heart is my best friend blockbustervideo she is really great and is an all around nice person.)

" You can survive a night without me." Static said grabbing four blankets and walking outside but not before kissing Fun's check.

" Say goodbye and move your ass I wanna trash talk them later." Electra said walking to the van as I followed closely behind.

" What no goodbye for the person who saved you and gave you a piggyback here?" Kobra said putting his hand on his heart with a fake hurt look on his face.

" Fine goodbye Kobra Kid." I said giving him a quick hug and turning around to go to the van.

" Fun perimeter cheek go." Party said

" On the roof." I mouthed as we all climbed on the roof before Ghoul saw us.

" All clear!" Fun said running back in.

" So everyone spill what happened after the Dracs?" Poison said as we climbed off of the roof. And soon the facts and stories began.

" Wait I think I heard something." Jet said making us all jump. Static and I jumped back on the roof while Electra and Missile ran into the van pretending to sleep.

" Guess I was wrong." Jet said walking back inside.

" Found you." Two voices said from behind us.

"SHIT!" Static and I examined jumping off the roof and running away.

" Get back here!" Fun yelled from the roof probably running after us now. Soon we all were running after each other. Soon everyone fell asleep except for me because the fear of the dracs finding us again filled my mind.

" Hey." I heard from behind me in a soft whisper. I turned around to see Electra. Sitting down on the edge of the roof with me.

" Oh Hey Electra." I said turning to face her.

" So I heard you had a cult going on up here?" She said a smug smile on her face.

" Who told you!?" I gasped placing a hand on my chest as we both burst out laughing.

" I remember when we were like twelve and we got in trouble for standing in the hall." Electra said laughing at the memory.

" And Jolof." I said having a with a giggle.

" Oh right Olaf and Jack Frost." Heart said as we tossed memories back and forth having a laughing fit at each one.

" Can you two stop laughing I'm trying to sleep!" Jet yelled.

" Hey." Kobra softly whispered in my ear and hooked his arms around my waist I looked over to see Party doing the same to Heart.

" So I was wondering if we take the last hour or so to go on a date please?" Kobra said hugging me.

" Fine I'll go." I said standing up.

" Fun wanted tonight to be date night because all of us minus Jet and Missile couldn't sleep." He said letting go of me.

" Okay where will we go we are sorta in the zones." I said with a smug smile.

" Well you see we thought it Battery city is close why not seek around." Kobra said jumping down from the roof.

" Let me guess Static's idea?" I said jumping down too.

" Pretty much. Hey Party is Heart coming?" He yelled up to his brother.

" Looks like we are all going but we have to be back by like 8:00 before Jet and Missile wake up." Party yelled jumping down with Heart close behind.

" Okay let's go." Party said as we all got into the car to drive to Battery city.

" STATIC LOVE AND FUN GHOUL STOP MAKING OUT IN THE BACK OF MY CAR!" Party yelled. Soon enough they broke apart.

" Thank you!" We all said after the PDA was over.

" We're here." Fun said opening his door.

" If anyone comes near you who ever is in the black jackets will cover the other one." Party said tossing Kobra, Fun and himself a jacket.

(A/N: I know you all hate me for my cliffhangers but I find them funny as hell I'm smiling as I write this about cliffhangers I'll make a better cliffhanger later I wouldn't trust me about this)

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