| 1 | Innocent Mind

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"Kaelynn its the first day of school. What you gonna wear?" Marie asks, sitting on my bed as I come from the bathroom.

" I don't know." I say shrugging. Mara gets up and goes into my closet. I sit on my bed with a towel wrapped around myself. I wait for about 10 minutes before she come out with an outfit.

"Don't look just get dressed." Mara says. I sigh and get up. I go in my closet and start to get dressed. I put on a pair of matching underwear and bra. I put on the maroon skirt, I look at the shirt and see its a halter top so I take my bra off and slip on the white halter top. I walk back out and she picked some nude pointed toe heels. I groan but take them and put them on. Then she brushed through my hair and straightened it. When she finished she put some mascara and eyeliner on my eyes and some lip gloss.

I wasn't much of a talker, not when I'm nervous anyway. As you can see, I was nervous. After spending years at a private school, I was now going to a public school with Maria, who I call Mara, who also is my age. She has a lot of tattoos and was really pretty. She was the one I grew up with, the one I was closer to, so I let her me dress up. I like fashion, but I crack under pressure. I couldn't do it right now.

Mara and I got into her pretty black BMW and headed to school. It wasn't the first day of school, that was last month. It was September and I was a month late. It was my first day at a public school. When we pulled up to the school we got out the car people stared at me.

"Kae relax girl." Mara says. I sigh and relax a little. Mara and I are now seniors. Well I'm way ahead of her. I only have 2 classes a day, the other half I spend at college. I take the bus there now even though Papa doesn't want me to, but madrè talked him into letting me since Mara will still be at school and I don't have my own car yet. Mara helps me find my AP Biology class which she isn't in and heads to class.

They were still trying to get me a locker. They said they would have me one by tomorrow. I sat in the middle, not too close but not too far. When class started everyone was kind of staring at me. The teacher came in his eyes scanned the room when his eyes landed on me he smiled.

"Class today we have a new student." he says. "Can you please stand up and introduce yourself?"

I stand up and clear my throat.

"I'm Kaelynn Marcos." I say then sit down.

There was a lot of murmers and and whispers.

"Ms.Marcos can you come here so we can discuss something?" he says. I nod and stand up. I walk to the front of the class.

"Hi Kaelynn, I'm Mr.Jones . I see you came from a private school you've been going to since you started school. I'm familiar with the school and how they teach there. So I was wondering how I can teach so you can learn properly." He says

"Well I can learn in most styles. So either way I'd understand." I say

"Okay. Well you all were a few chapters ahead of us at the other school. So you can hang tight, if you don't mind or you can come after school and I'll continue to teach you what you were already learning." Mr.Jones says.

"I can come after school but I would have to check with my father." I say

"Okay." Mr.Jones says handing me the book that he had put in my name. I smiled and took the book then headed back to my seat. Mr.Jones started teaching and I started to tune him out. Then I hears him call my name.

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