| 3 |Friday Night Flashing Lights

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I was honestly nervous as hell. This was my first football game. I was so scared, and I didn't know what to do. I simply dressed in a pink sweater because it was 56° outside and I didn't want to get cold. Also dressing in some basic pair of ripped jeans and some tan calf heigh ugg boots.

I do a neutral makeup look and some nude lipstick. I did gold accessories. I sprayed a little vanilla scented body mist which was my favorite scent. Then I looked in the mirrors that were attached to my wall next to my bed. I took a few pictures. As I was about to walk out Mara was about to comes in.

"Wow you look hot." Mara says. I giggle.

"Thanks sis. You look hot, too." I say. She had on a red cropped sweater, black ripped skinny jeans and black ugg boots with gold accessories. Her makeup was nice.

"You ready?" Mara says

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"You ready?" Mara says.

"Yeah" I say. We head downstairs, I started texting Paislee that we were leaving now.

Pai-Pai🐼 : hey u still picking me up?

Lynn👼👶 :yea omw

"I'll meet you there. I need to make a stop. Is that fine?" I ask Mara says as we get outside.

"Sure. I won't tell Papà." Mara says.

"Thanks sis." I say smiling. We both get into our cars and head to our seperare ways. Paislee lived 8 minutes from me which is a few blocks over. My community holds a pretty nice set of town houses. When I pull up to her house she was standing outside with a woman who I assumed was her mother. I park my car and get out. The woman's face lights up when she sees me. I didn't know why though because she didn't know me.

"Hey I'm Kaelynn." I say

"Hey Kaelynn I'm Paislee's mom. I just wanted to meet you." she says.

"Its nice to meet you and I understand. Its fine." I say

"Okay, well Paislee says you live with a family full of Latinos but you aren't." Ms.Fred says.

"Yes I was adopted. I was raised by the Marcos." I say

"That's great. I see they treat you well." Ms.Freds says

"Yes. Very much. I hate it sometimes, but I apriciate it." I say

"That's great! Well, you girls should get going. Have fun and be safe." she says

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