| 4 | Who Said I Couldn't Do It

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It was colder this week than last week. I put on a black and white cropped sweater, black leather pants, black combat boots, a gold layered arrow necklace, a black and gold watch. I do a dark makeup look and some dark red lipstick. 

I pack my duffle bag for tryouts

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I pack my duffle bag for tryouts. I then head downstairs, mom wasn't home, she had left for work early and Mara left early so it was just me. I grabbed a mixed fruit bowl out the fridge and a bottle of water and headed out the door. I got in my car and went to pick Paislee up for school. While I waited for her I started eating my fruit. When she gets in the car. I put my fruit down and start driving to school. Paislee ate the rest of my fruit on the way.

We finally got to school when Paislee said something that made me almost crash my car.

"I nominated you for homecoming Queen. A few other people were nominated as well." Paislee says. I look at her like she was crazy.

" Why?" I say as a car honked behind me and I go to park.

"Because I think you could win with me, Marcus and Cameron's help." Paislee say.

"Why didn't you nominate yourself?" I say finally parking

"I can't do it. I believe you can though. Please just do it." Paislee says.

"Fine" I say rolling my eyes and getting out of the car.

"Great. So we already started campaigning since homecoming is in two weeks." Paislee says.

"Okay." I say as we walk in the school and there were posters everywhere. "What the heck?"

There were a lot of me. I seen a few of them from my sister. She smiles when she sees me.

"Hey Kae. I didn't know you were running for homecoming." Mara says.

"I didn't know until 5 seconds ago. I was nominated." I say shrugging.

"That's great!" Mara says

"Yeah." I say.

"Congrats sis. I hope you win." Mara says

"No I hope you win." I say smiling. I really do hope she wins. I didn't want to win, I honestly didn't care. "I'll see you later."
I see her friends coming down the hall looking pissed off. I walked past them smiling, they glared at me.

"Okay. So as of next week you have to seriously have to make appearances. You have to come to Cam's party this weekend." Paislee says.

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