i look to the receptionist, tears brimming my eyes. then she passed me a notebook.
on the top it said belongs to chimchim!!
i read each entry. all making more sense to me.
130101 resolution? make diary entries!
130218 this year is turning out good
130429 yoongi hyung fought with kook and broke the mirror
130430 we can't find jungkook
130824 jungkook was in car accident...he didn't make it
130827 yoongi hyung...
130901 we held their funerals and celebrated our maknae's birthday
140101 our first new year without them
140218 i had dream i was in a hospital
140309 it's yoongi's birthday
140327 namjoon hyung lost it
140412 i had to bail out tae and joon
140420 tae left me and hung out with hyung..again
140429 taehyung killed his father
140503 ...taehyung is gone
140901 happy bday, kook
140912 happy bday namjoon, where are you?
141013 i'm alone again. happy birthday!
141230 tae..happy bday
150101 new years!
150218 i had a dream. all i remember is a boy and feathers
150319 is this what depression feels like?
150420 it hurts
150429 i don't feel loved, i'm alone