Jack You Up

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Frank was laid out on his bed, still holding his phone after his call with Gerard. His boyfriend was out of town for two weeks, and so far they've called almost every day. It started off normal, Gerard telling him about all the stuff he did by himself at his parents friends cottage while his parents and Mikey were down at the dock, watching other cousins swimming in the lake, while Mikey was nervous about even sitting on the dock. It was a huge summer get-together for friends and family, and Gerard's family drove way the hell up there to this enormous cottage every other year.

Gerard told him that he's been inside all day, appreciating the architecture of the cottage and working with his water colours and watching Lion King in the basement with huge glass back doors that gave nice light and a ping pong table, Frankie, a ping pong table!

Gerard said he was in need of a nap, which Frank teased him for, you haven't left the house all day, why are you tired, and then laid on his little single bed across from the other bed, the room shared by Mikey and himself. And there's where things got weird for Frank.

Gerard had stretched out on his bed, cracking his back satisfyingly and making this... Fucking noise that Frank's horny teenage brain told him was a really good sound. Frank was so glad they'd said bye after that, because hearing that had kind of fucked with his dick, sitting there in his room dumbly with a semi in his shorts.

So that's where Frank was now. Lying on his bed, getting harder by the second the long he thought about the squeaky, pretty, breathy noise Gee made innocently.

He pushed a hand through his gross little mohawk, the once bright red fading to orange. He sighed, really wanting to deal with the circus tent being thrown in his fucking pants. Frank didn't know when his mom would be home from work, all her hours varied from day to day. He vaguely remembers something, maybe six or seven o'clock minimum? And the time was four forty last time he checked? He did have some time.

And with that, he sat up, put his phone on the bedside and removed his mint green shirt, then lied back down. He palmed the bulge in his beige shorts, trying to get some good fantasy going for this. That fucking noise Gee made was going to fuel so much of this, shit.

Gerard panting and whimpering under Frank as they made out, rutting their hips together, desperately dry jumping each other, sweating and moaning one another's names, Gerard's hands roaming all up and down his back, tugging at his shirt. Frank's hands running all up and down Gerard's sides, his hips, grabbing all over, squeezing his perfect ass and pulling them impossibly close...

Fuck, Frank thinks, shaky hand moving from grabbing himself through his pants and stroking all under his belly button, over his happy trail - that he totally wishes Gerard was kissing down - to his waistband, unbuttoning and unzipping and sliding in under his boxers. He gasped quietly as he wrapped a hand around his cock, hot and heavy in his hand crammed awkwardly down his shorts. He gave a little flick of his wrist, then another, then decided he'd at least need to shuffle his shorts down his thighs.

He pushed his shorts and boxers farther down, his hand going right back to pumping his cock. Fuck, why had he got so hard over one innocent noise. Him and Gerard are taking it slow, so he's never actually heard Gerard moan or make any kind of suggestive noise, but if he does sound like that... Frank wants to fuck him into the mattress.

Frank hopes Gee is loud.

They strip each other down, completely naked and sweaty and pressed together as they kiss desperately, rutting their hips on each other. Frank would kiss down Gerard's neck, suck on the most sensitive place and leave marks, kiss down his chest, on his tummy, inner thighs, making him squirm and gasp. Frank fucking loves Gerard's thighs.

The though of the noises Gerard would make with Frank just teasing had his hand in an unconsciously tight grip around his swollen cock, panting and cursing under his breath. He shuddered and his dick twitched as he just kept going, and going, knowing he wasn't going to last long at all. Frank's hips canted downwards and he let out a high ah, the fantasy in his head getting better and better.

Gerard clinging to him as Frank pushes in, his tight heat engulfing him, legs wrapped tight around Frank's hips. Gee whining, feeling stretched and full and hot all over, sweating on each other; Frank's movements getting frantic and hard and Gerard's moans getting louder and louder as Frank pounded his spot, arching his back, shrieking out Frank's name as he came between the two of their stomachs.

The thought of the feeling of Gerard tightening his muscles and the face he'd make had Frank coming all over himself with a gasp as his thumb dug into his tip, sticky spurts landing up on his chest as he stroked himself through it. He panted, feeling gross with sweat and summer stickiness.

Frank dropped his head back and sighed, smiling - if a bit guiltily with what he'd just done. Yeah, he'll wait a while before telling Gerard any of that.


originally written for the 30dsc on the prompt masturbation

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