Nine Broken Hearts

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Challenge: There was a knife in her chest, and it didn't hurt at all.

I look at the boys in shock. "You want me to do what, exactly?" I ask in disbelief. They shift uncomfortably in front of me.

"Miss Sorenson," Mr. Blackbourne begins, "I know that this seems extreme to you. Trust us though, Volto threatens all of us. He seems fixed on you, so we hope that eliminating you from the situation will make him disappear."

I digest his words. Their idea sounded so logical when they explained it, but when I review it in my head it doesn't make sense. "People will look for me." I point out. Dr. Green gives me a gentle smile.

"Will they really, Pookie? Sure some people will put up a token effort, but for the most part nobody will care. They might search for a week, but after that I doubt they'll keep it up. Funding is always a problem on these types of cases." he says.

He's right, but it doesn't stop my heart from stuttering when he mentions how few people will care. Karen would probably be upset for a little while. My sister wouldn't be upset; she would probably rejoice not to have to deal with me anymore. Everybody's lives will be easier if I'm not here.

"I still think that this is a bit extreme!" North growls. It's sweet that he wants to protect me, but deep down I know that this is the only option. Volto has been a threat to us for long enough. If one action on my part can save the boys, I won't hesitate.

"It's fine, North Star." I say. He looks into my eyes and I can see his worry- it's tearing him apart. All I ever cause them is trouble; hopefully things will be different in my new home.

Gabriel has tears in his eyes. "I'm going to have to buy clothes that don't stain easily." he tries to joke. The mood is too tense to appreciate his humor; we all know that there is a very slim chance of this working.

I take in the concerned faces around me. When is the next time I'll see them? When will I get my next Superman hug, my next butterfly kiss from Kota? When will I see my next millimeter smile?

Kota, ever the leader, tries to keep us on track. "Luke, do you have the knife?" he asks. Luke is solemn for once as he nods.

"I have the blood bag." Dr. Green adds.

"Then as long as nothing comes up, we'll do it tomorrow night. It'll have to be somewhere with cameras, or else the whole plan will fail. Does your house work Nathan?" Kota asks.

Nathan grimaces at the prospect of blood spilling in his house. "That's fine, since she spends the most time there it'll be the most realistic anyways." he says.

Maybe we can lay down some plastic to protect his floor. It seems cruel to make him clean up after we're done.

"We'll need to text something to get Volto's attention." Mr. Blackbourne states.

"I've got that covered." Victor promises. He won't let my sacrifice go to waste.

After a few minutes of silence Kota dismisses us for the night. It's important we're rested up so that we can perform our best tomorrow. Thankfully, it's not a school day so we don't have to worry about messing with school. I'll never have to go to that horrible school again.

I fall asleep in Nathan's arms for the last time in a while.


"It's not too late to back out." North whispers to me. My heart swells at his continual devotion.

"I know North Star, but I want to do this. Nobody is forcing me to, it's my decision. Don't harbor guilt over this." I say. He nods sadly before going to check on the supplies.

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