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Challenge: Incorporate lyrics from three songs into the dialogue.

The piano created such beauty, such splendor, yet all I did was press a few keys. C, E, and G together formed such a mystical vibrance while lowering the E a mere half step tossed the music into a minor depression.

Which state was mine? Despite the love of my life sitting right next to me, my emotions felt flat. My hands pressed all the right chords to tease music out of the revered instrument, but nothing came out. Piano was not my oasis like the press believed.

"Victor," my Princess whispered. My head fell down, my wavy locks obscuring my vision. It didn't stop my hands from moving or my leg from shaking.

"Yes?" I murmured. An eternity seemed to pass before she spoke again. I pondered our relationship- when it came down to it, all I could offer her was money. Money and a life full of minor chords.

Sang leaned her head on my shoulder. "What are you thinking about right now?" she asked.

What was I thinking about? The curses of fame and the trials it brings. "Nothing," I said. My fingers ghosted over the shining keys, but left no impact. Nothing indeed.

Sang stiffened when she heard my answer. "I love you, Victor," she said. My fingers stilled.

"Love gets ruined by money and power and fame," I responded bitterly. My love was toxic to my family and brought so many problems. Sang didn't need to be tainted by such a corrupting force.

How many relationships actually had a happily ever after? Maybe one, perhaps two. My time with Sang was just a brief moment of C, E, and G before the truth came out. She couldn't possibly want my love- love gets ruined by money and power and fame.

Sang sat up and gently placed a hand on my cheek. She turned my head so that we were eye to eye. "Victor," she said, "There was a time when I was alone- nowhere to go and no place to call home. You changed that. You built me out of nothing. I'm not weak, I'm not broken, and it's because of you."

My Princess became obscured by the tears forming in my eyes. "Sang, I'm not perfect, I'm flawed. You deserve a fairy tale ending with your very own Prince," I whispered. A tear streaked down my cheek, falling onto an E key- the leader of my minor world.

"You are my Prince. Your love means more to me that a kingdom full of loyal subjects. You are perfect- you are flawed, but so am I. I said I'm not broken, and that applies to you, too. We are whole because of each other," Sang said.

I leaned my head against hers. Our eyes both shone with emotion and tears and a million different thoughts. Love wasn't fragile; it wasn't wanton, fleeting, or dangerous. My love was stronger than money and power and fame. My love was strong enough for Sang.

"I love you, Sang, my Princess," I whispered. Sang reached her hands into my hair and pulled my lips to hers. We truly did make each other whole.

After a moment we broke apart. My frantic heartbeat mirrored my frantic thoughts. How could my emotions be flat when I have the love of my life sitting right next to me? I could see my kingdom, my mass of loyal subjects, but I turned away from them for my Princess. Love would keep me strong.

My hands started pushing shining keys on their own accord. A C, an E, a final G. My hands pressed all the right chords to tease music out of the revered instrument, and a song emerged. One that told of an oasis of beauty and love, of two people who completed each other. We didn't need a kingdom of loyal subjects; we didn't need money and power and fame.

Trust that our love was strong would keep us whole.  

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