Lost and Found Challenge

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Luke knew he was taking a big risk. In one hand, he held a bowl with half a scoop of ice cream in it (he ate the other half). In the other, he balanced a tower of four giant cookies, courtesy of Gabriel. He was so close to getting to the safety of his room, where he could eat in peace.

The only thing stopping him was the sulking figure lurking in the hallway.

Luke cringed when he saw North loitering outside the door to his room. He could eat elsewhere, of course, but his ice cream needed the bottle of sprinkles sitting on his bedside table. He would have to risk it. Time was melted ice cream.

He placed his best smile on his face and walked up to his brooding brother. "Hey, North," he said. He tried to edge around him, but North was effectively blocking the doorway.

North's dark eyes focused on the mountain of sugar in Luke's hands. Luke expected him to glare, or yell, or stomp his feet and pout, but instead, he just sighed and stepped aside. "Have fun," was all he said before ambling away.

Luke gawked at the retreating figure. Was he ill? Sleepwalking? Did Kota finally figure out how to replace human consciousness with alien lifeforms?

Why didn't North give him a stern lecture on the dangers of sugar?

Luke's mood plummeted as he took a seat on his bed. The cookies found themselves abandoned on the nightstand (a rare occurrence), and the ice cream was similarly forlorn as it melted in its bowl. It just wasn't as satisfying eating sweets if North didn't yell at him for it.

Maybe it was a one time occurance. Luke decided to test how much North's reaction to sweets had really changed. He broke open his emergency chocolate stash hidden in a pinned-shut shirt sleeve, grabbed a bar of chocolate, and went to find North.

He found him perched on a stool in the kitchen, staring at a head of broccoli. Within hearing range, Luke slowly unwrapped the chocolate bar, then walked into the room.

"What's up, North?" he asked around a mouthful of chocolate.

North looked up from the broccoli. His face remained neutral as he stared at Luke. "Is that any good?" he asked.

Luke struggled to keep the shock from his face. Again, no yelling. "It's delicious. I can practically feel the sugar swirling around in me, eroding at my enamel," he said with a forced smile. Nothing about this situation felt right. Why was North so apathetic?

There was a brief pause. Then, North stood. He grabbed the broccoli, placed it back in the fridge, and approached Luke. He leaned in so his eyes were only inches from the chocolate. "It does look pretty good," he admitted.

Luke squeaked in surprise. Without saying goodbye to North, he turned around and sprinted back to his bedroom. His heart was pounding as he pulled out his phone and called the one person who could help him fix his brother.

"Sang, I need you to come. Bring lots of cupcakes."


A few hours later, Nathan dropped off Sang with a box of a dozen beautifully-frosted cupcakes. Luke greeted her at the door, relieved she was here. "North is a bit... different right now," he warned her. He had briefed her on the phone, but he wanted to make sure she knew what she was getting into.

She smiled with grim determination. She was wearing a black leather jacket, tight black t-shirt, and a short black skirt. Luke knew North would hardly be able to resist her. "We'll get him to go back to normal."

North was back in the kitchen when they walked in, staring at the contents of the fridge with blank eyes. "North Star," Sang exclaimed. She set the cupcakes down on the counter and walked up to North, wrapping her arms around his waist.

He stiffened briefly, then turned around and pulled her into a hug. "Sang Baby," he murmured. Luke held back a chuckle. It was still so weird to see his brother be so open with his emotions around Sang.

"You don't need to worry about dinner," Sang said. She stepped away from North and pointed to the box of cupcakes. "I took care of it."

North's eyes widened as he understood what she said. His mouth parted, and for a second, Luke thought it had worked. He settled on a shrug, though, and got out three plates and set a cupcake on each.

They took a seat around the kitchen table. Luke made pointed eye contact with Sang. Being subtle wasn't going to work—they had to go to phase two.

"I think this is my first real meal of the day," Sang said thoughtfully. She looked right as North as she licked a big glob of frosting off the cupcake.

"That's not healthy," North said. There wasn't any heat in his words, though, and he took a small bite of his cupcake.

Luke nodded for Sang to continue. "You know, I read the nutrition facts on these, and each cupcake has fifty grams of sugar." She paused. "I think I'm going to eat four."

North groaned. His eyebrows turned down, and hope shot through Luke. They were reaching him. Across the table, a small smile crossed Sang's face. She had noticed the same thing.

"Do you want to get ice cream after this for dessert?" she asked. Her eyes were wide, innocent, and twinkling with hope.

Anger warred with apathy on North's face, until he finally shot to his feet. With a glare at the awful cupcake on his plate, he shoved it away from him. "No ice cream this late, Sang Baby. You need some protein. I'll make us omelets, and you have to finish yours before you can finish your cupcake."

Sang and Luke both cheered. North's gaze flickered between them, clearly suspicious, but he didn't say another word as he started cracking eggs.

"Thanks for your help," Luke whispered to Sang.

North grunted. "I heard that."

Luke sighed with relief as everything returned to normal. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2018 ⏰

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