Dahvie's Promise

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Jayy's POV;

I walk back to the Skype call and unmute Dahvie, "Hey Dahvs." I say smiling, "I heard that, Jayy... That's fucked up man." He said. My blood ran cold... He knows. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, "It's not that bad Dahvie, I swear! I overreacted alright! I swear!" I cried, "Why the fuck are you defending him?!" Dahvie cried, "B-because I love him." I whimpered, "Jayy look at you! You're bruised and bloody from head to toe! That isn't love!" Dahvie exclaimed, "You don't understand! You don't know him like I know him, he's not always like that! He loves me, I know he does!" I cried. "Whatever we can talk about this later... I gotta go... I got a recording to do tomorrow..." Dahvie said, "Okay, bye Dahvs." I say smiling, "Bye." Dahvie muttered hanging up.
I sighed and sat on the edge of my bed with my face in my hands.... I couldn't help it I started to sob. After about sobbing for 10 minutes Brandon was beside me and he had his hand on my shoulder to comfort me. When I looked over to him he smirked, "When you look at me like that it makes me hard." He growled, I looked away and blushed, "I-I'm not in the mood right now." I muttered, "What did you just say to me?" He growled as new tears fell down my face, "Your tears are just making me harder, slut." He growled, "Please, no." I begged, "Now Monroe! I'm horny and you're gonna take it up that cute little ass of yours wether you wanna or not." He growled, "Now shut up and suck it, you dirty whore." He demanded, "Okay." I say, tears burning my eyes as I tried to hold them in, "Oh don't hold back those tears, they make me so horny." He said smugly as I began to unfasten his belt, "Don't pretend you don't love this, whore." He taunted as tears streamed down my face.

I lay here feeling used and abused... I know he loves me though and that makes it  better.... That makes me forgive him. He knows just how to fix it up after he messes up... So it's all okay.

Today Megan is coming over, she'll be here before Brandon gets home, she always is. I hope she brings me another picture like she did last time, she likes to make me things in her art class and they're truly beautiful. She loves to tell me about her grades because I always tell her how proud I am and how she's so smart. Her grades have gotten better over he years she's known me. When I first met her she got Cs and Bs she has either A honor roll or A,B honor roll. When she grows up she said she wants to be a doctor so she can help make others feel better. She's such a good kid, she never gets in trouble or hurts anyone on purpose. Brandon has never hit her, he only yells at her... She's scared to death of him. She tells me he's a liar after we get done fighting because of all the things he calls me... She says he's telling lies and that I'm none of the horrible things her father calls me. She comforts me when I cry and tells me it'll be okay, I guess she's used to the yelling and worries more for me She says she hates him and I say I love him as I try to cover up a black eye.
       Tonight he was screaming at me while Megan sat in her room, she tried to come out but I pushed her back in the room. As I was smacked down to the floor I saw her door open again and I screamed for her to stay in her room... She didn't, she walked out into the living room and ran to my side, "Please just go back in your room, I promise it'll be fine." I said quietly. Before she could even move Brandon yanked her up from the floor and he started to scream at her... She screamed back. But when he hit her, she didn't hit back. She was screaming as he threw her to the floor and started beating her. I quickly grabbed his wrists to try and stop him and he glared over at me, "Please! PLEASE! Don't hurt her!" I cried. I knew I'd end up in the ER for that but I needed to protect her! He screamed and tackled me to the floor, beating me worse than before as Megan screamed and cried, she ran over and tried to stop him, "Daddy! Daddy stop please! Stop! You're hurting him! Stop it!" She screamed as he father beat me senseless. "No one will love you! If you leave me you'll be alone for ever! You belong to me, you fucking bitch! No one will love you like I do!" He screamed, "You'll never leave me! You hear me!? You're never leaving me!" He screamed banging my head on the hardwood floor.
       When he was done I was drifting in and out of consciousness. I looked up at him, I held my arm to touch his face and whispered, "I love you." And leaned in to kiss him ever so lightly, "I love you so much." I whispered, looking into his beautiful blue eyes. "I'll never leave you, my beautiful fiancé. I'll never leave, my love." I whispered, smiling weakly at him. My consciousness was fading as my arm fell to the floor beneath me and my eyes closed, "Till' death do us part." I whispered with my last bit of consciousness as I heard Megan's screams, trying to call me back to consciousness... But everything turned black.

Dahvie's POV;

       I'm sitting alone in my room when I get a text from Jayy. I unlocked my phone to see what it says and it read
Hey, it's Megan (Brandon's daughter) I'm really scared. I looked at my phone in confusion, Why? What happened I had to wait a few more minutes before I got this - Jayy's passed out on the floor, an ambulance is on its way but I'm scared he might die. I stared at my screen dumbfounded, What happened? After about 6 seconds she responded - My dad beat him up again... He passed out. I felt anger flaring up inside me as I almost growled at the thought, Are you okay at least? She responded immediately this time, He hit me for the first time since he and mom split. I have a bloody nose, a black eye, and a busted up lip. Jayy got it worse. I nearly screamed at my phone, Make sure he's still breathing, I'm on my way. I got up and started stuffing a book bag full of clothes and stuff I'll need. But you live in Cali? I sighed I'm gonna run down to the airport, this has to stop.

       I can't let this go on. I know Jayy and I aren't the closest right now, but he's my blood brother for life and he'd do the same for me. I can't let this asshole keep hurting my best friend like this! I got my keys and got a cab to the airport. I'm saving Jayy, wether he wants me to or not. I texted Megan the whole way there and Jayy was still alive when they took him to the hospital... Of course Brandon lied about what happened to him, he said that he had gotten in a fight with one of his friends and they friend fled the scene before the ambulance could show up.
       I managed to get a short term notice flight and now I'm staring out the window of this airplane. I'm coming Jayy. I'll save you... I promise.

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