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Part two will come later. I promise its better than this one.


Valeriana lied sprawled on the green grass that covered the Celestial Twelve's training ground. She looked up at the blue sky that was almost the same shade as her eyes. Her gaze followed the white clumps that floated past above her.

"What are you doing out here?" a familiar voice asked.

She sat up, her annoyance triggered, just like those times Corvan was around.

"Can you leave me alone? And try not to ruin my mood just for once?" she asked she turned to face him.

That statement did little to anger Corvan ―as surprising as that sounded. The truth, he was getting tired of always arguing with her. It took most of his energy than when he was training. He looked at her with a solemn expression and sat on grass a few inches away from her.

"I'm not even trying to," he said. That seemed to set Val off even more. She ignored him and lied back down on her side. They stayed there in silence with Valeriana's back towards him.

"I came to remind you that the Academy's foundation day ball is two days from now," he said. He was about to get up when Val's words stopped him.

"I'm not going," she said. Corvan's famous frown came, but before he could utter a word, the fifth ranker beat him to it.

"I know, I know...I'm part of the twelve so I should be there to set a good example to the others and...blah, blah, blah," she said, "Well, I don't care. I'm not going."

"And why ever not?" Corvan said his voice annoyed and full of curiousness.

Val kept her silence. He sighed and shook his head. He was taken aback when Val turned around to face him. She sat up, with her eyes darting from him and back to the ground. He noticed that her cheeks were tinted a bit of red. To the young lord, she was oddly adorable. He was quick to rid that thought off his mind before it could linger further.

"I'm aware that each student has to participate, but I can't dance," she whispered. But that was only one of the reasons. She wanted to avoid the possibility of getting stuck with Corvan for an entire duration of the ball. The thought didn't sit well with her. It set butterflies fluttering in her tummy (ugh...guys...please no one comments on this part, back to story)

Corvan managed to hear it and his brows rose to his hairline.

"You were a surprisingly good dancer during the Ember Festival in the juvenile arena," he muttered. It could pass as a compliment, so he was stunned when she yelled.

"That was not dancing!" she yelled at his face, "You were throwing me around like a rag doll, and I had no idea what we were doing all throughout."

"You still have to come though, a part of the Twelve or not. You'll be with me," he said, after recovering from his initial shock. His scowl returned, but it was light.

Val raised a brow at him.

"We're engaged. And if word reaches my parents that we weren't together at the ball, it would arouse suspicion," he said. If he was to be honest though, he just wanted to be in her company. He questioned his entire being why he even wanted to be with somebody who argues with him a lot.

Val almost dropped her jaw. Almost dropped, if she didn't used it to speak.

"The whole academy would know!" she yelled as she stood to yell at him.

"And I could very much care less," Corvan said, with a stone face.

The butterflies in her stomach, that she was starting to dread, fluttered wildly. Her blush came back on, a shade darker than before. She was brought back to reality when the Arlandian lord stood and looked down at her.

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