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What if Corvan is....

Valeriana and the other members of the twelve were lounging on the velvet seats of their meeting room, which is practically the lobby of their dorm.

Silence engulfed them with the exception of Tamara's snoring and, the loud munching sounds Keelan made as he ate oreos.

Truth be told, it was grating on the others' nerves especially Aneeka's, Elfre's and Charles'. The rest were just turning their gaze towards the door every few minutes―Val to be specific.

"Where is that idiot cretin?" she couldn't help but blurt out.

"Lord Corvan should have been here minutes ago. He's never tardy when it came to our meetings, or anything for that matter," Rowe said.

"Yeah, I wonder what's taking him so long," Genevieve agreed, as her twin nodded.

The eleventh ranker tried to speak with his mouth overflowing with oreos, but he didn't get a chance to when something flew past his face.

"Don't you dare talk with your mouth full, you glutton. Just try and I'll toss this couch at you instead," Elfre said from the single couch she was occupying.

"Tch...tch...tch...such violence, little elf," Raziel said, as he examined his beauteous face―as he said it.

A vein was about to pop in the seventh ranker from hearing him call her elf, but Valeriana's words clogged up the words before they could form on the back of her throat.

"Do you think something's happened?" she said. The others detected the slight tinge of worry in her voice and they couldn't help the small smiles that tugged at their lips.

Despite their incessant bickering, they know for a fact that their fifth ranker somehow had a special relationship with Corvan, which they would never have with him.

"He's probably okay. Lord Corvan isn't the first ranker for nothing, Valeriana," Charles said as he cleaned his glasses. All the while, he gave Tamara's very unladylike sleeping form a disgusted look.

"Probably, got called by Headmaster Kylon or something," Aneeka said.

Zevlin was about to say something, when the door flew open. Tamara fell off the couch she was sleeping on because of the loud sound that came from it. Brindon seemed to be the only one who wasn't affected because...well he's Brindon.

The moment they all turned to the door, they immediately saw their first ranker as he entered. And to anyone who had eyes, he didn't look good.

He looked red and was breathing heavily. His clothes were a bit disheveled, and he was sluggishly making his way over to his seat. They all followed his movements in silence, including Keelan who had stopped chewing the new batch of oreos he just stuffed in his mouth.

Tamara had other ideas though. She stood and followed Corvan as he finally reached his chair. Before he could speak, she placed a hand on his forehead. As quick as she placed it, she pulled it back with a yelp.

"Aww...aww...aww...that is the most abnormally high fever ever," she said as she shook her hand and blew on it. It was just an exaggeration, a really big exaggeration, but it made the other rankers get a little worried.

"Like you aren't abnormal," she heard Charles mutter under his breath.

She chose to ignore it as Rowe made his way towards Corvan, who had been unusually quiet since he entered. He reached out and placed a hand on his forehead.

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