Chapter 2

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Thank you sooo much for 300 views!! It means a lot to me that people read my stories. Don't be afraid to comment what you think I need to improve on I am open to criticism but obviously if it's a situation where you think it's terrible please don't make any nasty comments. any ways on with the chapters . . . .

"I have a little sister!!!!" Natsu yelled at me and everyone else in the room. He picked me up , Luckily i was feeling better, and I feel like you were a bit harsh to be honest I didn't even notice it's a story be lucky s/he even made it out the room with me over his shoulder, "n-a-a-t-s-su!!" Him running, kept bouncing me up and down over his shoulder causing my chest to hurt...a lot.

After a few minutes we finally made it to the top of the guild hall, on the balcony, so that everybody could see us.

"Hey guys! Meet my little sister (y/n)!!!!" Natsu roared loud enough so that even wizards in the bathroom could hear him. 
The whole guild looked at us, their expressions unreadable . . . . I look down, ready for probably being picked on or something, but what happened next I could've never have predicted. . . . (I'm in an ellipses mood lol we did them today in school cos we doing horror films 👻👻)
"AWESOME!!!!!!" The whole guild shouted.
I was in shock, like if I could describe my face in one word it would be cactus.

Above all the cheering a short-ish man walked up next to me. He had some sort of white jacked on with what looked like the magic councils insignia on the back. I looked down at him and he looked at me with a cheerful smile, "why hello there. I'm makarov the third master of fairytail nice to meet you." I bow down politely "nice to meet you too" I smile lightly as I start to feel a bit more relaxed about the whole situation. He stares off into the guild hall to look at all the members of the guild, "will you be wanting to join fairytail then my child? Considering your the nut jobs sister I'm assuming you would like to join fairytail??" He says to me calming but with a hint of curiosity. I'm lost for words, I want to join but what if they laugh at me?

"No-one will laugh at you. In this guild we all treat each other as family. All together we look out for one another and help those in need be it weaker or stronger than us" makarov finishes by putting his hands together. I give it another thought then make up my mind,
"Okay then. If it's okay with you then I will join the fairytail guild!" I say with courage.  Makarov grins, "well then welcome aboard (y/n)!! Ok first things first, where and what colour do you want your guild mark to be? " 
I think carefully before making my decision , " can I have it (colour) and have it (body part)?" "Yes of course "

And just like that I was in fairytail. My new life is changing and is a fresh new start. My old life and old troubles behind me, I hope. Because this is my new home and I can finally relax.

10 days later---

no-ones PoV
(y/n) has started settling into Fairytail and has lots of new friends. she has joined team natsu and is currently with Wendy having a picnic in the park (the one with the big tree in magnolia).

your PoV

"so (y/n) how are you feeling? with Fairytail and all I mean"
You look up from what your eating, "it's really nice Wendy thank you for asking" you say to her with a smile "it feels like I have a family for once" Wendy looks slightly worried "what do you mean (y/n)?" she asks concerned, "well ...",
just as you were about to explain you felt the ground shake heavily. Wendy jumped onto you and you hug her in comfort. suddenly big clouds sweep into the sky and as you look around things start going dizzy. Wendy looks up, "him... I can smell him!!" she jumps up and runs off in a different direction, heading straight into the coming downpour. "WENDY!!!" you shout at the top of your lungs but she can't hear you. you start to chase after her and after what seems like forever she appears a block in front of you. you see her talking with a blue haired man then scream, crying, running in the direction back to the guild. "Wendy?!!!" I shouted her but she kept running. I walk up (but more like quick walk/jog) up to the blue haired man, "Hey!!! what did you do!!" the man just looks at me, he has some off things about him. he is in a navy blue cape with a big collar and its torn at the ends. he also has a cloth mask thingy covering under his eyes and under. he has a cap on his head and underneath a clump of blue hair sticking out, "..." he just stares at me , he slowly lowers his mask so his face is showing and he takes off his cap...
I shudder, "y-yes?" i then take in his features, (lol the rain is still in the background and you two are probably gonna get hypothermia but it's anime and fanfic so ... WHO GIVES A DAMN CHICKEN MCNUGGET!) his hazel eyes and blue hair. wait. blue. I suddenly get an image in my mind of a small boy with blue hair. "y-y-you..." I hold my hand out but feel myself go dizzy and grab hold of his chest. he instantly wraps his arms around me to hold me and starts shouting my name. for some reason I feel safe, but those thoughts waver as I feel my vision go blurry. then black. and I was left in the blue haired boys arms........

sorry for taking so long to update I wrote it but wasn't happy and then rewrote it but my phone hates me and decided to delete it!! anyways I'm finally done with chapter two. I would just like to say a massive thank you to the people who supported me so far Akura_Hime , DuchessDeath ,TheDonutPianist for being so kind and voting and commenting on this story thank you so much😊the new chapter will be out soon peeps so see ya till then thanks for reading

-bye x

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