Chapter 3

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your pov

the last thing I remember seeing is black. I don't know how long I have been out. an hour.
a day...
a year...
no. it can't have been that long.

I start to see light, cutting me of my thoughts. it's not sunlight but it's warm and dim, I look around to find myself definitely NOT somewhere I know of. I manage to find my bearings and stand up to get a proper look around me. it didn't last long as I feel my legs give out again, I hold my breath, hands close to my chest as I wait for impact onto the ground. ...
I stopped and felt strong arms wrap around me and stop me from hitting the ground. I look up to see a man with blue hair and hazel eyes, with a red tattoo /birthmark on his right eye.
"(y-y/n)??" he stutters,
"er yes??" I look at him in wonder...
'how does he know my name??'
"my gosh I finally found you! your safe, don't worry" he says to me , almost on the brink of tears. he brings me into a tight embrace.
'wait... something about his hair...... he seems familiar but I can't pinpoint it ?......'

i realise he is still hugging me tighter so I hug him back. he feels safe and I feel like I should know him too.

"h-hey. where are we?" I asked unsure.

He looked at me in the eye. The aura around us started to feel uneasy,


-- yay finally got the new chapter out 😵😵 I know I know, it's been ages since I updated but I have got a new phone so that hopefully sorts things out and I am back in the writing business 😊
P.s I also have a 7 week holiday from school 😎😂 but it's scary as I am going to be in year ten 😱😲 time goes too quick damn it .
Anyways , till next time ma chumps 😂😭😂😅 ( I really don't know to be honest)

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