4. The way to the piece

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The Magic Trio is suprised. America is looking at them curios.
"Should we say our human names? "England wispers at Romania.
"Yes we should." Romania replies. Romania then is looking straigh at America and replies:
"I am Vlad. The guy with eyebrows is Arthur and the other one is Lukas. Nice to meet you America. "
"Nice to meet you three. Why are you three in the storage room?"
"Well, we were waiting for France and we decided we shoud take a look in here." Norway replies while looking at some boxes.
"Oh, nice. I was here because...I regret something. "
"What is it, you git? I mean America."asks England looking at him.
"The American Revolutionary War, I guess. I was such a loser. I mean, I gave up."
"We have a question for you. Have you seen any strange pieces of glass blue with your face? "Romania asks.
"Yes, I did , but now it is at Romania. He is not here. If you look after him you need to take the tunnels. They are here somewhere. Can you help me move some boxes? "
Meanwhile at Romania's place...
"Moldavia, Transylvania! There you girls are!"Hungary shouts.
Transylvania is looking at Hungary while Moldavia tries to talk with Bulgaria.
"Hello. You must be Bulgaria. Nice to meet you! You seem like a nice guy. Romania said a lot of things about you. I am Moldavia, Romania's little sister. " she says.
"Oh, I wonder what is the difference between you and Moldova. " replies Bulgaria.
"Well...he is a little sovietic and I am not. If it was me then he would be an adult, right? "
"It is a little confusing. "
"So, Russia didn't take all of me. Just a piece. That piece is Moldova. You know that Romania would look different if Russia taked all of me and then get independence from Soviet Union. But again, he took a piece. Plus, if I remember the history, when Romania was formed, I didn't had that piece until WW1."
"Oh, it is hard. "
"Anyway lovebirds, I need to know why are you two here."Transylvania speaks loud.
"Well, England, Norway and Romania dissapeared from a blue light."Hungary replies.
"We should go in his house." Moldavia says. "I think I know what is happening."
Back to the book...
" There is the door to the tunnel. You should get in. I think France will not come here after everything that happened last night. He tried to get Seychelles back, but England cursed him. Now France doen't get out of his house. You need to be fast."
America tells.
"Ok. Thanks America for everything. "Romania replies before getting in the tunnel.
The group runs like crazy. After half a hour they see a door.
" Let's go! "Romania tells.
The door lead to a room. A bell is ringing. A boy with strawberry blonde hair opens the room.
"Who are you three? " he asks suspiciosly.
"I am you from another reality." Romania responds.
"I knew you will come here for the piece. Here it is. " the boy tells and throws the piece to Romania's hands. Then he helps them to get in the house and gives some supplies.
"I will help you but you need to get back to England. The portal is there. Let's watch the news, shall we?"Romania from that reality says.
He opened the TV. A reporter says:
"At Mr.England's house there was an explosion. He is hurt and is at his special room from the big hospital in London. The suspects of the bomb have a portret drawn by a victim. His name is unknown. These are the portraits."
On the TV screen there is shown the portrets of the trio and America.
"To be honest we didn't done anything."Norway mentions while eating a piece of butter.
"I know who it is! "Romania responds.
Authors note
Well hope you enjoy the chapters. You are wondering right now who are Transylvania and Moldavia.
First, Transylvania is created from the fandom. She is not an official character. You can look after informations about here in Wikia about her. Here is a picture with her and Romania.

Moldavia has a differend story

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Moldavia has a differend story. To be honest I don't think Moldova is Moldavia. You know, he is a child. He is pretty young to be Moldavia. According to history, Moldavia appeared somewhere in 12th-13th century , so it should be a little smaller than Romania (or Wallahia) who appeared somewhere in 11th century. I know this stuff because I live in Romania. For her design I decided to take the early scheches of Moldova. Here is she.

So, thats it for this chapter

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So, thats it for this chapter. Hope you enjoy this fanfiction.

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