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Romania is alone. The dark room is empty. He looks around and tries to stand up. 'Where are the others? I know this place. I need to find England and Norway, then the books tricks. It is not going to be easy.'he thinks in his mind. He walks around, knowing that someone will atack him.
"Romania, where are you? Romaaaaaaaniaaaaaaaaaa? I want to play with you like in the past. Come on, come on! " a strange voice says in that room.
"No, I am not naive to know that you try to make me fall into your trap. Show yourself vampire! "
"Well, well, well. Who do we have here? România, the 1p!Haven't seen eachother for a long time. I can still walk on the book wathever time I want. Did your friends opened the book? "
"You hipnotised them , don't you? What tricks do you have this time? "
"Tu ştii, the usual. This time picking other people than last time. "
"You are still cooperating with him, right? "
"Do you talk about Shadow? Yes, still cooperating. No time to talk! Abracadabra! "
"Expelliamus! "
The wand of 2p!Romania breaked into pieces. He is angry about his 1p! action. Then he dissapears in grey smoke. 'Same tricks? I don't believe my 2p!.'Romania says again in his mind.
"ROMANIA! THERE YOU ARE! WE WERE SO WORRIED!" England and Norway scream at the same time, paniched that they lost him.
"Guys, I am ok. Don't worry! "
"Before we walked up here, what does that mean same...situation?" Norway asks curious.
"I...it is about my past. In 1600 me, Moldavia and Transylvania done the same thing. We needed to find 10 pieces of glass, each one of them has differend shape and color. They form a heart that helps you escape from this book. We need to find the pieces in the past of ten countries, in moments when they get a really important decision. "
"Oh, I see. Changing the past means changing the present and future. "Norway says .
Suddenly a light appears out of knowhere with the list of the victims.
"The ones that will have the past changed. Illusions if we get the pieces..."Romania tells to his magic friends.
The list:
1 . America
2. Hungary
3. Japan
4. Russia
5. China
6. Canada
"Who is 10?"England asks .
"Nu știu, but we will know soon. Now, where is the door? "
England, Norway and Romania walks a little and find a corridor full with doors.
"Which one is the correct one?Any of you know? "England asks looking at Romania.
"I don't know. But I know that some of them are traps. We shoud be careful. "
Back to Romania's place...
"Romania! Where are you?" Bulgaria says .
"Romania, please don't prank us! It is not funny. My frying pan is ready to hit someone! "Hungary says .
"Romania was here with England and Norway! I swear! And then a blue light was shinning in the canstle. And then...they dissapeared. "
"So, there are three people missing. Why have you called me here? "
"Because you know Romania. Even if it's not your friend, you know him good enough to know where he is. "
"We better look after Moldavia and Transylvania. They know him better. "
"Right. Let's go! "
Back to the book...
England and Norway try to find the right door. Romania, with his sword, tries to find the one who controls the book, Shadow. He touches every door to see if they are real or just illusions. But there was something he didn't know. Shadow and his 2p! are looking at them ,smilling that they searched some toys.
"Let's make it a little fun, shall we Shadow? "
"Yes. Let's do this. "
Behind the true door a doll with bloody clothes is going after England.
"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS THIS? "England screams .
"Kill, kill, kill. "the doll say.
"I saw the door! Follow me fast!"Romania says.
A lot of knifes is the doll trowing. The boys were running as fast as they can to the door.
"Armurria! " Romania says with a comfident voice while doing the fire shield.
"I can't keep it any longer. Go guys, GO! I will be there. "
England and Norway go in the door. Romania unactivates the shield and joins them. The doll suisides with her bloody knife.

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