The Girl Who Ran: Special Agent Carter

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Shawn POV:

I sat back in my chair and looked over the letter once more. Third degree rape? Is this Nigga serious?  I chuckled out loud and placed the photos back in their envelope along with the note and smiled. I'm a cop, I know what the fuck third degree rape is and what we did.. That's not it. Now, If you don't know: A Third degree rape charge involves someone above the age of 21 having sex with someone below the age of 17. You could see how 'D' has gotten a bit confused because that's a third degree rape charge but Beyoncé Is 17! A person less than 17 years old is deemed incapable of making the decision to have sex willingly, however... she's 17. Not 16, or 15 or 14. 


Now I don't appreciate someone taking photos of my personal business with my girl, I don't appreciate someone watching me at all or someone threatening me because I am Shawn Fucking Carter. I'm scared of anyone and I will not allow anyone to control any of my actions or any decision I make. No matter what I do, I will not bow down to this Nigga because he thinks he's got some sort of hold on me because of these photos. If anything they're complimentary, maybe I'll hang them on my bedroom walls just to annoy the nigga because I'm sure he'll see it. I will be the last thing he sees before he goes straight to hell because no one should take photos of Beyoncé without her permission, especially not naked ones and then spread them by sending them to people because that, that is the real crime here and he can go to jail for that. Idiot. But, he can also go to jail for a lot of other things too, like harassment and murder because now I know who killed me mom. I think I've said this already but... Idiot. 

I walked out of my office with a smirk on my face, oh I bet he's watching my now, I stopped for a second and looked up at one of our security cameras with it's flashing red light. Oh I got you, Nigga. You better know it too. I licked my lips then smugly walked down the hall toward Detective Simone's office which was at the end of the hall. I didn't bother knock on his door but I opened it and he looked up at me with a shocked expression, 

"Sir" He nodded as I walked over to him and dropped the envelope on his table. 

"Someone's watching my house" I began as he picked up the envelope and began to open it, "some Idiot is watching my house actually. I want you to go with the sergeants to check the perimeter, tell Victoria I need her investigation team to check out the house: Any bugs at all and tell me, then I want to get the bugs checked and trace them. Get Jennifer to pick up my girlfriend and bring her to the safe house" I ordered, Simone looked through each photo not spending a lot of time on them but to get a feel of what was going on as he looked up at me and nodded hie head at my words. 

"Yes, Sir." He stood up putting his jacket on and I nodded at him "You know who this is?"  Simone read over the letter  with a smile pointing out the flaws the same way I did.  Simone was a very good detective and could be trusted with a lot of things, this was one thing I was willing to trust him with. He was going to lead this investigation under my command while I went out to handle... business. 

"Yes" I chuckled thinking about how silly he is,  "he think's he's slick but I know who he is, I know quite a lot about him actually and so for the next few days we're turning off all the security cameras in the building. It's dangerous I know but what we'll do is replay footage from last year so whoever's watching will think they're watching live but they won't know it's a recording. Get Alex on that, he'll make sure it's done right"   I looked up at the camera again and sighed. Back when my friends were working for this guy they told me a lot about how he worked, I was shocked and my friends were proud to be working for someone who could do all that. They didn't know that today I'd be using it against him, 

"These orders straight from you then huh?" He placed his holster around his waist and looked back at me, 

"when I was 18 I was lieutenant Carter part of the US army, then I was chief carter during college after I left the army, I worked hard from then and right now I'm the boss of this place but a year from now I won't be and that's because I just got a fucking letter from the Bureau to be special Agent Carter so if this nigga thinks he can try use the law against me he's got another things coming!" I chuckled and Simone raised an eyebrow, 

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